Don't Want It Any Other Way

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Okay so y'all have chosen to send me your requests through Tumblr lol.. I do see your requests so if I don't reply just know that I did see them and that I will work on them. Please keep sending me your requests (:


"Leo!! Hurry up!!" Neymar screams from across the room

"Shut up! You're not the one who's sick yeah?" Leo groans

He'd been feeling really sick and down for a few weeks and they decided to go to the doctor. Neymar was really worried about him. He didn't want Lionel to get sick.

"Are you feeling well today?" Neymar asks

"Get the fuck away from me Ney," he groans

"Leo.. Why do you hate me now? What did I do??" Neymar whines

"It's all your fault ! You wanted to have sex out in the middle of the night ! I probably got sick that day.."

"Hey! You agreed to it !!"

"Shut up yeah? "

Neymar sighs and simply nods. He doesn't want to start a fight with Leo. They haven't been so great lately.


"Okay.. There isn't anything wrong with you Leo.. You're very healthy.. Maybe you've been eating something that isn't good for you.. Stress maybe? But you're healthy," the doctor says

"He's been having morning sickness everyday.. He's like a pregnant woman," Neymar complains

"Shut up with ya?! I'm not a girl.. " Leo says

The doctor stays quiet. Neymar and Leo look at him weird.

"I was kidding doc. That's impossible right?" Neymar asks a little more nervous now

"Well.. Nothing is impossible.. We can always give you a pregnancy test.. Just to clarify things and eliminate every possibility,"

"Oh.. Yeah.. I mean.."

"Leo.. Are you serious?! You're a man!"

"Can you shut up? I know. But I just want to make sure that I'm okay.. Damn it Ney.. It's not your body anyway so.."

Neymar bites down on his bottom lip. He walks out of the room without looking back or answering Lionel's worried voice.

"Are you ready to continue, Leo?" The doctor asks

"Yeah.. Sure.."


The doctor said the the results would come back in a few days. They would call him once everything was done. He was worried. Neymar had not come home and didn't answer any of his calls.

How could he be so insensitive? What if Leo was actually pregnant? Would he be a coward and leave him to deal with things on his own? What kind of Man was he?


"Hello, Lionel? We have the results.. You don't have to come by to pick them up. We can send them to you.. Would you like the know the answer?"

Lionel was frozen in his spot.

"Hello? Are you-"

"Yeah.. I'm sorry.. Yes.. I'd like to know the results.."

"Congratulations ! You're-"

Your world can collapse in an instant. Everything can change so quickly and so easily. Lionel wasn't ready for any of this. But you can't change how life works. He should've known better. But this was his mistake.

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