Low Self Esteem

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Neymar played with the hem of his shirt as he walked by the almost already empty hallways. His heart was pounding out of his chest and he just wanted the day to end already.

'What if they're watching me?'

'Am I walking funny?'

'Yup. I'm probably walking funny..'

'Earth... Please swallow me whole,'

'Don't look at them.. If you don't look at them then they won't look at you'

He tried telling himself mentally so that he could at least make it through the day. Neymar's anxiety always took the best of him. But he didn't know how to deal with the simple pressures of life without feeling overworked and exhausted by his own mind that went on overdrive far too quickly.

He tried to stay as quiet and unnoticed as possible. He didn't like asking questions or asking for help because he didn't want to cause any trouble for anyone. He sat quietly at the back of all his classes and dreamt away.

"Ney!!" Someone calls out

He looks up and smiles when he sees the familiar boy running towards him. He doesn't really know why they're friends. They're total opposites. Lionel is very popular for being the best football player of their school. It's because of him that they win most of their matches.

"Hi," he says quietly

"Babe, I called you to ask if you needed a ride.. Your mom answered your phone and said you had left it.. I brought it for you so we can text during the classes that we don't have together," leo says handing it to him

"T-thanks.. You.. You didn't have to,"

"Hey.. Anything for my baby... Plus I'll miss you during math.. You know I hate that subject with passion," Leo shudders at the thought

"You're so silly Leo.. You always get 100s on your tests.. You're so smart,"

"And you're so beautiful.. Ugh.. Fuck. Marry me, Ney!" Lionel says lifting to boy up

Neymar laughs and wraps his arms around Lionel. Lionel makes him feel good about himself. But he doesn't know what he does to the poor boy every time he calls him babe or baby. Or even Ney. Neymar is in love with him. And Lionel will simply never notice. Lionel will never love him.


Neymar sees Lionel with the pretty blonde and his heart sinks. They're not kissing or anything. But Neymar knows of her interest in Lionel. That makes him feel like a tiny person. She's too pretty. He can't compete.

"Knock knock!" Someone says

"Leo.." Neymar groans

Lionel jumps into bed with him.

"You left early today.. What's wrong?"

Lionel notices the tear stained cheeks and suddenly grows worried and alert.

"I'm never gonna be good enough," he cries silently

Neymar never cries in front of people. He feels like he has no right. Other people have it worst than him and he feels so selfish for complaining about it.

"Neymar.. You're so beautiful.. What are you talking about ? Anyone would be lucky to have you. "

"H-how can you be so confident a-and.."

"Hey.. It's not that I'm so confident or anything like that.. Maybe you don't have enough confidence.. And I don't really understand why.. You drive me crazy.. You make me lose my cool thinking about all the things I can do to that pretty little body of yours.. You leave me breathless and daydreaming about how sweet your moans would be and how sexy and overwhelming it would be to have you beneath me, screaming my name... Every time I see your face I wanna make love to you.. But then I wanna corrupt you and fuck you hard and rough so that you can feel me for days,"

Leo brings himself down to kiss the smaller boy. Neymar allows it. He lets a A few soft whimpers escape his mouth when lionel starts grinding into him. The friction is overwhelming and it's something he's never felt before. He wants more. He craves the boy on top of him .

"I love you so much, Ney. And you mean the world to me.. You're so beautiful.. Fuck. I really wanna spend the rest of my life with you,"

"L-leo," Neymar moans out

"I love you too,"


Smut ?


Neymessi&CristessiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora