A New Beta part4

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"What the fuck did you do ??"

"I didn't do anything!"


Lionel's hands feel cold against his cheeks. He feels disgusting. He doesn't remember when he showered last, and he doesn't really care either. He hasn't left his room for 2 weeks straights for the fear that he might see that man once he walks out.

"Leo.. You need to shower.. You stink," Luna groans


And that's all he says. A small hum will escape his lips now and then. He doesn't know what he's staring at. His vision is blurry from his tears, but he's sure he's not looking at anything specifically.

"Leo.. If it hurts you so much then why did you do it?"

"Kun told me to."


"Fucking asshole," Cristiano groans

"Cris.. Leo thinks that he's in your way.. That you're embarrassed by him."

"Why is he so hardheaded.. I told him that, that wasn't true. "

"Leo is someone who needs a lot of reassurance. I think that you should talk to him,"'Luna says

"Don't you think I've tried? He doesn't want to talk to me," Cristiano says with a hurt expression

"Okay.. We'll just have to do this by force then."
A soft knock wakes Lionel from his slumber. He waits a little.

"Leo.. It's me, Luna."

Leo sighs.


Luna walks in. He doesn't even bother to look at her. She's the only one who ever visits him and they don't even talk. But he likes her voice and her company so he always lets her in.

He opens his eyes once he finds that the presence is more demanding that the sweet and innocent one of Luna's. He shots up to find Cristiano already sitting beside him on the bed.

Cristiano is giving him this soft sympathetic look that makes Leo want to run into his arms and stay there forever.


Leo's lips begin to tremble. He's so close giving in.

"Come here."

Leo gives him a small nod before letting Cristiano wrap him into a tight embrace.

"I love you so much Leo. You mean everything to me. Do you understand that? You are everything I've ever wanted. You drive me Insane. You need to stop thinking that I'm ashamed or embarrassed to be with you because that's not true. "

"Y-you p-promise?" Leo sniffles

"Yes baby. I love you."


"So you guys are back together," Kun says

"Yeah, we'll make it work."

"That's good. I'm glad. I want you to be happy," Kun smiles

"Thanks Kun, I know you only wanted the best for me."


"Listen, I'm not gonna lie.. I'm so fucking glad you're leaving," Cristiano says smiling

Kun simply glares at him.

"I know Leo thought your intentions with him were good. But I know you. And I don't like you. So I need you to stay away from my boyfriend and stop feeding him nonsense. "

"You really feel threatened by me don't you?" Kun chuckles

"Nope. I really don't so you can stop this little act of yours. I'm not falling for it. I song want to see you here ever again. And I don't want to see you near MY mate ever."

Kun rolls his eyes and walks off. It drives Cristiano insane. He wants to kill this man so bad. But he knows he can't. And that drives him a little more crazy.

He'll never be able to get rid of this man. But he will make sure that he never gets close to Leo.


"Ah~ C-Cris!"

"Sh.. Just breathe Leo,"

"Is it gonna hurt?"

"Only a little. "

"I hate you."

"Okay," Cristiano chuckles softly

Lionel gives him a pout and Cristiano can't resist the urge to kiss it. He pushes Leo back on the bed without breaking their kiss. His index finger traces down his entire body slowly, causing Leo to shiver slightly.


"Don't think about it.. Okay?"

Leo looks up at him with fear in his eyes. Cristiano gives him a gentle and reassuring smile.

"I'll never hurt you Leo."


"Ah~ oh my god! Cris! I'm close!"

"Fuck, Leo. I'm close too baby. "

"I love you,"

"I love you too! Fuck!"


"Leo.. Are you okay?" Marc asks

"What? Yeah.."

"You look drained," Luna says worriedly

"I didn't sleep last night," Leo yawns

"Did you hurt yourself too? You've been limping a little," she points out

"Really? Probably.." Leo says

Cristiano chokes on his water a little, making everyone turn to him. Leo glares at him.

"Oh.." Is all Luna says

"Oh..? OHHHHH !! OH MY FUCKING GOD!! " Marc yells

"Shut up or I will tell Cris to kill you!!"

"Leo.. You're not a virgin anymore?" Luna asks with a sad tone

Leo groans and hides his face in Cristiano's chest.

"I hate you!"

"I love you too."


For those of you that don't know my tumblr is @ silly-thoughtsof-neymessi though I'm sure most of you do know since all of you send your requests through there lol
All my other social media will be on my profile
If you guys wanna follow me on ig or snapchat lol I'll follow back (cause I love to lurk okay!)

Neymessi&CristessiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora