Scary Admirer

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"I like you."

"W-what?" Lionel asks looking up at the much taller person than him

The scene is intense. Predator and prey, many would think. Lionel being pressed against the wall while the taller boy hovers over him, ready to break him. But it's not the way it looks.

"Leo!!!! Baby!!!" His friend rushes to him

"Sorry.. Excuse me.. But I really gotta talk to him. Bye!" The boy says taking lionel far away from him

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"Kun.. Stop... I'm fine. He just talked to me," Leo blushes

"Leo.. Why do you even like him? He's so scary," Kun shudders

"I don't know.. I just do. I can't help it.. Cristiano is the most beautiful person in this school," and he said he likes me

Lionel smiles . Cristiano Ronaldo likes him. Him. What is life? He's freaking out on the inside.


"How'd it go?" Gareth asks Cristiano with a huge smile

"His friend interrupted us..." Cristiano groans


"I wanna kill that little man! How dare he.. Now I'll probably never get another chance. I think Leo is scared of me,"

"Don't worry he's not! You'll get some.. He's probably a virgin so that's a plus," Gareth winks

"Ugh.. Don't."

Cristiano can't quite remember when he fell for the smaller boy. He just saw him one day and ever since he's been on the chase. But every time he tries to approach the boy, he runs. And today, they were interrupted. But Cristiano doesn't care. He will keep on trying until he can't keep on going anymore.

He's thought about giving up. Maybe Lionel isn't interested and he's just wasting his time on someone who's probably not worth it. But for some reason he just can't let it go.

"You're in love.. Do you realize that?" Gerard tells him

"I can't be in love with Lionel Messi," Cristiano says quietly

He knows that gerard is right. But he'd rather deny it, maybe he'll start to believe it.

"H-hi.. Cristiano.. Umm.. I-I.. "

"Hmm?" Cristiano asks without opening his eyes to see the shy voice that is speaking to him

"Can we talk?" He says quietly

Cristiano opens his eyes and smiles when he sees the owner of the shy voice.


They walk to a very secluded place. No one will be able to bother or interrupt them there.

"What's up?" Cristiano asks with a smug look on his face

"I.. Well.. You see.. Umm.."

"You're so cute Leo"

"Am no-"

Cristiano kisses him. He just kisses him. And he's glad because Lionel is kissing him back.

"Fuck," Cristiano says picking him up and slamming him against the wall

Lionel wraps his legs around Cristiano's waist and continues to deepen the kiss. Lionel's soft moans drive him crazy and he wants to take him then and there.

"C-Cris ~"

"Leo.. Fuck.. "


"He's so scary," Kun groans

"He's not," lionel smiles

A few seconds later, Cristiano walks up to him and kisses him. Kun groans and walks away. Cristiano isn't that scary. Well, at least not to Lionel. He simply has a very strong presence.

"You're gonna look so hot with that limp after I'm done with you," Cristiano whispers into his ears

"Bet," lionel chuckles

"Want me to show you?" Cristiano asks pushing him up against his locker

"I would.. But I'm gonna be late for class so maybe later," he winks

"Leo! Don't go," Cristiano groans

"You need to go to class too!"

"Let's skip.. Isn't being with me better?" Cristiano pouts

"Yes.. But I can't.. Ill see you after okay?" Leo says walking away

Cristiano pulls him back and kisses him roughly. Lionel smiles into the kiss.

"You're crazy,"

"About you."

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