A New Beta part3

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Cristiano gives his boyfriend and the guy that is way too close to him a very puzzled look. Kun simply walks out the room like Cristiano wasn't even standing by the door.

"Am I supposed to feel threatened?"

"Not at all. He's weird, Cris."

"What did he want?" Cristiano asks slightly aggravated

"He asked me to marry him," Leo says

"Excuse me?"

"I think there's something wrong with him. Who just comes out of the blue and asks someone something so serious?" Leo sighs

"He better stay away from you," Cristiano growls



"What?" Leo groans

"So.. I'm going on a date with Marc.. What should I wear?" Neymar asks

Leo can see the blush forming in his cheeks and smiles. So Marc finally got Neymar to go on a date with him.

"I'm sure anything will be fine,"'Leo says

"No but like. What does Marc like?"

"Umm.. I'm not sure.. I'm sure he'd love to see you naked though so don't worry about the clothes.. He'll be ripping them to shreds anyway."

"L-Leo! " Neymar blushes

"I'm serious. This kid will go crazy.. Especially if it's you."

Neymar blushes even more. His face turns extremely red and that's actually the first time Leo has seen Neymar like that.

"Don't worry Ney. He Already loves you. He thinks you're very handsome no matter what."

"Thanks Leo," Neymar smiles

"No problem Ney. Don't worry so much yeah? He loves you already.. I don't think anything you wear will change his mind," Leo chuckles


Cristiano is locked away in his office. Lionel doesn't disturb him because he knows how Cristiano gets when he's trying to get things done. He sighs and falls on the couch tiredly.

"You okay?"

He looks up to find Kun standing in front of him. He nods and closes his eyes. He feels the couch dip, and knows that the man is now sitting beside him.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"About what?" Leo asks finally opening his eyes

"About how troubled you are because of your secret lover?"

"W-what? He's not my secret lover!" Leo defends

"Not many people know of your relationship. And I'm pretty sure he only introduced you as his mate because he's scared that I'm going to take you from him.. Not because he was actually proud to call you his mate or ready for such a thing."


"Is embarrassed to be mated to a man."

"He's not! Why would he?"

"What do you think people would think of him huh? An alpha with another man? Wolves aren't too kind. So glad I wasn't born one."

"Shut up! Cristiano doesn't care about those things. He's always be the odd one out. He enjoys being different."

"But this is completely different Leo. Why do you think he's been so stressed out lately? You're the reason why he's like this," Kun accuses

"Y-you think?"

"I know. "


"I can read minds," Kun says


"I choose not to. But sometimes I can't help it. Leo.. I think it's best if you cut your ties with Cristiano. He can't handle all of this. "


"I'm sorry."

"No.. No.. It's fine. You're right. He's definitely been a lot more stressed out lately," Leo says softly

He's biting his bottom lip harshly. He's not going to cry in front of anyone. Never.

"Hey.. Don't hurt yourself so much."

Kun's index finger swipes across his bottom lip, cleaning it. Leo's breath catches in his throat when the index finger enters kun's mouth.

A small cough behind them shakes him back to reality. Cristiano stands there, slightly puzzled but extremely angry.

"Cris!" Leo says running up to his lover

"What's up baby," Cristiano smiles, brining him up into his arms

"Are you still busy?"

"Nope. Let's head to bed."

Leo catches kun's eyes for one last time and looks down sadly. Does he really have to give up Cristiano? He doesn't want to.

"Are you okay Leo?"


"Are you sure?"



"Hey Cris.. You're not embarrassed of me right?"

"What? Of course not."

"And you're not ashamed that.. You know.."

"Leo.. You've been acting so strange lately.. What's going on?"

"No nothing."

"You sure baby?"



"Hey," Kun says

"Hi. So glad you're back," Leo says hugging him

"You missed me huh?" Kun smirks

"Yeah yeah."

"Are you and-"

"I can't do it Kun.." Leo groans

"I knew it.. He seems way too out of it. You're damaging him Leo," Kun says sternly

"I just.. I love him.. How do you just give up on the person you're so deeply in love with?"

"You'd be willing to do anything to make him happy right? So why would you stay with him if your love is toxic and your existence stresses him out?"

"But he says he loves me too. And if he loves me then he will deal with everything that comes our way. Loves isn't supposed to be easy you know."

"Your love for him will end up destroying him. Do you want to destroy the one you love?"

Leo bites down on his lip and stay quiet. Does happiness really last for such a little time?


"W-what? Leo.. Why?"

"It's for the best you know? I'm just in your way," Leo says giving him a sad smile

"No. No. W-who told you that? Stop it."


"You're kidding right? Please tell me you're kidding you. Please tell me that you haven't stopped loving me! "

Silence falls between the two.

"Leo!  God fucking damn it!! Tell me that you still love me!! Tell me that you still fucking love me!! Please!! Please Leo.. Please!!"

"I'm sorry."


Short, sorry.

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