Cute Boys Make Me Nervous

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"Alright.. Prefect.. A little to the left,"

Cristiano flashes a few more poses and smiles. He's a little tired but he knows he's almost done. He just needs to last a little longer.

"Okay good job, Cris. For your next project... Leo will be your photographer for this project."

Cristiano nods, not really paying any attention. He just wants to go home.

"Cris.. Come here,"

"What? I have to go," Cristiano groans

"I know. Leo will be waiting for you by your car. Be nice to him please. He's only 20 and this is his first big project. "

"Don't worry. I'll take care of him for the next few weeks."




Cristiano looks down at the smaller person and blushes. He actually blushes. A scrawny teenager who is extremely short compared to him is making him blush.

"Hey.. C'mon.. My house is pretty far."

"Oh.. Okay."


"Okay Leo.. I'll show you your room and we can start working tomorrow. Does that sound good?"

"Y-yeah.. That's fine."


Cristiano doesn't say anything else. He just starts to walk up the stairs with Leo following behind him. He opens a white door and lets Leo walk in.

"Is this fine for you?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Okay.. Call me if you need anything babe."

"Uh.. S-sure.. O-okay."

Cristiano smirks. This kid is so fun to tease. But he gets nervous too. And he doesn't get why. No one ever makes him this nervous.

Why is this kid making him feel this way?


"Okay so.. Umm.. I don't know how you want to start."

"Just do your daily activities.. I'll just take pictures whenever I feel like I should."

"Oh.. Okay. Cool."

Cristiano feels himself begin to panic. He doesn't get it. This is his job. Why is he so nervous? This should be a piece of cake. He hears the small clicks of the camera and panics.

"Relax.. This needs to look extremely natural."

"Yeah.. I'm sorry. I've never done this before," Cristiano chuckles nervously

"I know. This is a first for me as well."

"That makes it a little easier," Cristiano chuckles

"Yeah.. We're in this together."

Cristiano gets to know Leo a lot better. And the more he knows, the more intrigued he is. Lionel is a puzzle that he wants to solve. He's so complex yet so simple.


It's been almost 3 days since the project started and Cristiano has never felt so attracted to anyone. Lionel is driving him crazy.

"Okay.. I think this is it for tonight," Leo smiles

"Hey Leo.. Do you wanna go watch a movie or something?"

"Oh.. Like a .. Date?"

"Y-yeah.. O-only if you want to!"

"Sure.. Id like that."

"Great. Yeah. Great."

Cristiano can't contain his excitement.

The date doesn't go as planned. Many people recognized Cristiano so he spent most of the time taking pictures and talking to many fans, leaving Lionel alone and forgotten.

"Hey cutie,"

"Oh.. Hi."

"Are you alone?"

"Oh.. Umm.. N-not really. But my friend is busy right now," Leo says

"That sucks. I'll keep you some company for the time being then. My name is Sergio,"


"Cool. So-"

"Leo! Where'd you go?" Cristiano runs up to him

"Hi.. Sorry. You were busy," Leo says quietly

"We should go home"

Leo nods, saying goodbye to Sergio and letting Cristiano wrap an arm around him possessively.

"Who was he?"

"I don't know. He just approached me.."



"Sorry tonight sucked."

"It wasn't so bad," Leo smiles

"It'll be better next time. I promise. I'm sorry baby,"

Leo feels his knees grow weak. Baby. He called him baby.

"It's fine, Cris," Leo smiles

Cristiano leans down to place a soft kiss to his lips. Lionel smiles softly and lets Cristiano take him deeply into his arms.

Cristiano nibbles on his bottom lip until Leo finally lets him in. A small moan slips from his mouth.

"Fuck you sound so sexy," Cristiano groans



"In other news, Cristiano Ronaldo has been seen with his personal photographer, Lionel Messi, quite a few times. The pair has yet to confirm anything but many say that there might be something going on. Sorry ladies!"



Leo's heart skips a beat when he sees an angry woman with a red face pointing straight at him.

"You fucking whore! I give you one fucking job! I offer you the best thing in the world.. And you go ahead and sleep with my client!!?!!"

"Gina.. Stop it! What are you talking about?" Cristiano says confused

"It's all over the news! Get out!! Get out!!! You're fired !!!"


Lionel doesn't anything. He simply looks down and walks off, ashamed. Cristiano calls him but he chooses not to pay any attention to it. He knew this would be a terrible idea. You should never mix pleasure with work.

"Leo! Wait up!!" Cristiano says pulling his arm

"Let go Cris!"

"No. No. Stop it. I'm sorry.. I didn't think about this through. I didn't think you'd lose your job.. I know how much this project meant to you and I fucked it up. I'm sorry. I just.. I couldn't resist myself.. I wanted you to be mine."

"It's fine.. It's not your fault.. It's my fault. I knew this was wrong but I went along with it anyway," Leo sighs

"Hey.. I know this sucks.. But.. I can help you out.. I'm sure many of my friends wouldn't mind working with you.. I just.. I don't want to lose you."

"You're not gonna lose me," Leo smiles

"Good. I can't lose the one person that makes my heart race every time I'm near him."



Send requests cause I'm out of ideas ._.

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