Are You Okay?

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Lionel sighs as he unlocks his door. He immediately walks into his room and falls on the bed.

"Welcome home," he bears someone says

He looks up and smiles when he sees a much taller figure standing in front of him.


"Hey baby."

Lionel jumps into his arms. Cristiano smiles into the kiss while he holds Lionel tightly against him. Lionel's legs are wrapped around Cristiano's waist while his hands are around his neck. Cristiano's hand sneak up under his shirt, already starting to teas him.


"I'm gonna make it all okay baby.. I promise.. Daddy's gonna make it all okay."

Lionel moans into his mouth. Cristiano puts him down on the bed slowly. Leo looks up at him while they pull apart for a while. Cristiano is here with him. And he's okay now.

"C-Cris.. I-"

"Shh.. Don't say anything baby. Let me make it all better. Let me make you feel good,"


Cristiano loves to see Lionel so vulnerable. Only he can make Leo look so small and innocent. Only he can make Lionel moan this loud.


"Shh.. You're okay.."

"C-Cris.. Oh my.. "

"You feel so good baby.. So tight.. So amazing,"

"I'm so close.. H-harder!"

Cristiano starts to thrust in and out of him harder and faster than before. They're bodies are tired but they're not quite done yet. Cristiano knows that Lionel is very close. Only a few more seconds before he comes undone.


Just with that, Lionel came. His body, tired and sore.

"Oh god.. LEO!!"


"Good morning baby,"

Lionel wakes up to the sweet voice of Cristiano. Cristiano kisses him softly. Lionel responds quickly, pulling him down on the bed with him.

"No baby.. Not right now,"

"Why not?"

"You're sore from last night,"

Lionel blushes and looks down.

"I don't care."


"Please.. Cristiano.. " he begs

"No, Leo. I don't want to hurt you," Cristiano says looking down at him with a soft smile

"I'll be okay. I promise."

"Later okay? Let's go eat breakfast first,"


Lionel groans when he tries to get up. He really is sore. Cristiano smirks.

"I'll bring you your breakfast, okay?"


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