Loving the Soccer Player

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"You know you look like a real creep right now right?" Gerard groans

"Shut up. I think he's cute," Lionel smiles

"Your dad will kill you, Leo."

"My dad can't touch me."

"That's what you think. Don't forget he already has someone for you.. and she's not a boy.."

"I'm not going to marry her. He can't make me marry her."

"Stop being so foolish! You can't seriously be that dense. You are not some prized possession of his that needs certain accommodations. Hate to break it to you, but to your father everyone, even you, is replaceable."

"I hate to break it to YOU, but I am not replaceable. I will do whatever the fuck I want and if he doesn't like it then he can go find someone who has the same blood running through his veins.. and someone who's going to bring him to the top the way I have."

"You're playing a dangerous game, Leo."

"That's why you're here. I'm not alone.. or am I?"

"Of course you're not."

Gerard sighs. He could never say no to Lionel. This kid would be the death of him. He didn't mind though. He enjoyed Lionel's company more than he would ever enjoy anyone else's.

"They're here again," Marc says

"They like to watch us train.. so what?"

"You just like it when he stares at you!" Marc says

"You're right," Neymar chuckles

"Are you ever gonna get the balls to go talk to him?"

"Nope," Neymar smiles

"Why not? I hate the sexual tension."

"There is no sexual tension."

"There is a lot of sexual tension."

"Shut up, Marc."

"I'm gonna go talk to them! His friend is cute!"

Neymar brushed it off. He didn't think that Marc had the guts. Of course, he was wrong. He should've known his best friend was crazy enough to actually do it.

"Why didn't your friend come?" Lionel asks

"He  can't handle the sexual tension between you guys."

"Wow," Gerard smiles

"Right? Neymar is very shy. But he'll come around soon."

"Are you dating anyone?" Gerard asks

Marc soon grows shy and blushes. Gerard took an interest in him very quickly.

"No, I'm single."

"That's good."

Lionel feels like he shouldn't be there. So he walks away quietly, letting the two have their little moment.

"Hey.. your friend is not going to hurt Leo right?"

"Huh.. uh.. no. Of course not. Neymar doesn't do those things. Plus I don't think anything will come from it," Marc sighs

"What do you mean?" Gerard asks

"Neymar is gonna get big.. he's a great player and he's going to go place for Barcelona soon.. it's his dream.. he can't let things like these get in his way," Marc says quietly

"Ah.. Lionel has his own things to deal with.. he can't be doing these things either."

"I can tell. You guys don't look like simple men."

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