A Sweet Birthday

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Neymar walks around the room a little worried. He hears footsteps and looks back to see his husband behind him. Lionel gives him a gentle smile before bringing him into his arms.

"Hey.. It's okay.. It's gonna be okay," Lionel whispers softly

"I'm so scared.. What if something goes wrong?" Neymar asks

"Nothing will go wrong so don't worry."

"You sure?"

"Positive. She's a healthy girl.. And our child will be healthy too," Lionel says kissing his forehead

Neymar smiles and falls into his husband's embrace. Soon, the moment they've both been waiting for finally comes.

"Are you okay?" Neymar asks the woman laying on the bed

"Yup. Do you wanna hold him?" She asks while she holds the newborn

"C-can I?" He asks happily

"Of course.. It's your child."

Neymar lets a few tears spill after hearing her. This is his child. His and Lionel's. How much more perfect could life get?


"I know," Lionel says softly


Lionel walks into his room to find something that makes his heart flutter. Neymar is wearing a large jersey and is spread across the bed, happily sleeping with their child next to him.

Lionel chuckles softly and closes the door behind him. Those stop sleep more than anyone else Lionel has ever met.

He chooses to let them sleep a little more. It's Friday so he doesn't mind staying up with Neymar later on.

"Leo.." Neymar says groggily

"You're finally awake," Lionel says looking up

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Neymar asks

"Sorry.. You two looked so cute and peaceful.. I didn't wanna bother you."

"You're so silly.. Hey.. We need to talk."


"Thiago.. His birthday.. We need to plan something," Neymar says smiling

"Oh.. Right."

"Oh god Leo.. You suck.. I'll take care of things."

"How much do you need?"

"Damn Suga daddy," Neymar says playfully

"Come here," Lionel says pulling Neymar on his lap

"I feel like a kid," Neymar pouts

"That's cause you're my baby," Leo says kissing him softly

"L-Leo!" Neymar blushes

"You're so cute!"


"Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Thiago
Happy birthday to you !!"

Neymar takes more pictures that his shoes.

"You only turn 5 once."

"You said that about 1,2,3,4, and 5," Leo chuckles

"Because it's true," Neymar says

"Come here,"

Neymar always obeys him. The small "come here" is a simple command that drives him a little crazy. Everything that Lionel does drives him crazy. But he loves it.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

"What's up baby?" Neymar asks pulling him up into his arms

"Jesse wants me to go sleep-"


Neymar bites down on his lip as he hears Lionel say out a harsh no. He's never been one for letting Thiago do many things outside of the house so he's not really surprised.

"Thiago.. Go play with your friends okay?"

Thiago runs off leaving his parents alone.

"Leo.. Cmon.. We're gonna be alone for a whole night.. " Neymar whispers against his ear

He hears Lionel groan a little and knows that he can make the man change his mind.

"I've missed being with you daddy,"

And that does it.

"He can go," Lionel says a little defeated and excited


Lionel shakes his head. Neymar can make him agree to anything. He has control over him, completely.

"I love you Ney,"

"I love you too... So much."


Short lol sorry.

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