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Cristiano wakes up with a major headache. He doesn't quite remember what happened last night. He doesn't even know where he is. He opens his eyes, scanning the room. There's clothes on the floor and his heart starts racing. Partly because there's someone else's clothes on the floor next to his.

He looks down and finds his naked body. He turns and feels something stir beside him. His mouth opens slightly at the realization that he isn't alone. He looks down to see an unfamiliar face beside him.

How? How did this happen? How was he gonna explain this to Lionel? God, why? What happened?

He gets up and starts to put on his clothes quickly. He doesn't even take a second glance at the sleeping figure on the bed. He quickly rushes out the room.

He stops when he realizes that the place looks very familiar. He's home. It's his house. He turns around and sees that the room that he just came out from was in fact, his room. He sighs.

"Cris," he hears a small voice speak

"L-Leo," he says nervously

"I called you a couple of times but I guessed that you were asleep.. I already made you breakfast.. I was coming up to get you," Lionel says smiling

"Ah.. Thanks babe, let's go eat."

"Okay.. Let me just use the bathroom,"

He nods and walks down the stairs. He'll be fine as long as that person doesn't wake up. He could he have fucked up this bad?

Lionel was taking a while but he didn't really question it. He did begin to worry when Lionel came down with teary eyes and trembling lips.

"Leo.. Baby.. What's wrong? "

"How.. How could you? In your own bed?! "

"Leo.. Baby..."

"Cris.. Why.. I-I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with but I'm sure I'm not so bad.. I make mistakes but I try hard to be as perfect as you need me to be.. What is it?!"


"What is it that I don't have ?! Why?! Why am I not good enough.. Why am I never good enough?!?"

Cristiano could only stare at the younger man bring himself down. He didn't know what to do. So just like that, he let the love of his life slip away.


I want to call you at times, beg for an answer.
I want to be rebuilt to your image of perfection
Why wasn't I good enough for you ?
What did I lack?
I don't know
But at night, I lay awake
What's wrong with me?
I couldn't make you stay

Cristiano chooses not to read any further. He smiles at the success of his former lover. He looks at the small book in his hands.

Blue, what a strange title, he thinks


"What's your favorite color?"

"that's a silly question," Cristiano chuckles

"Hmm.. How come?" The smaller boy asks him

"Guys either like green or blue," Cristiano says

"So.. Which one do you like ?"


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