Spooky Nights

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Lionel wasn't fond of Halloween. He liked fall because of its chilly weather and beautiful colors but hated the fact that everyone else was obsessed with the holiday of that season. He didn't get why everyone was obsessed with it. They were all a little too old to be dressing up. He thought it was time for everyone to just grow up and out of it.

"So what're we gonna be?" Neymar asked

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we're the hottest couple in the school right now. We have to show everyone that we're better than the rest of those sad little one month couples."

Lionel and Neymar had been dating ever since they could remember. They had moved in together early in their junior year and ever since then, everyone knew that they Love was real. They were the most popular kids in school. It was very strange because Lionel thought that everyone would hate them. But he was glad that everyone in that town was so accepting.

"Ney.. don't you think that Halloween is meant for children?"

"Okay but we got invited to a party and it said we had to dress up so.."

"Fine.. you pick."

"You're no fun," Neymar pouts

"Come here," Lionel smiles

Neymar smiles widely and runs into the arms of his lover. Lionel sighed. Neymar was always so happy. But Lionel knew the real him. He knew the demons that danced inside him. Neymar deserved to be happy.

"What if I dress up as a lion?"


"My name..."

Neymar giggled a little. It was the small things that made him happy. Lionel was thankful for that Neymar never asked for much even though he deserved the world.

"I love you, Neymar."

"I love you, leo."

So Lionel dressed as a lion and Neymar as a zebra. Lionel didnt think that he was going to have as much fun as he did that night. Neymar made everything better than it actually was.


Sorry if this has hella errors but my phone is super cracked and I can't see shit lmao

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