The sundered, ashened Earth 4/7 (SFW) Apocalypse-AU

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Chapter 4

Thankfully the night was calm after the initial problems. They rose when the sun was peeking out and departed shortly after. The infected were in a large group, but harmless now. They even jogged for a good half an hour before they called it quits and safe enough.

The days turned and changed, the weather got hotter and unpredictably sometimes. One minute they were sweating like in a desert, the other they almost froze with the harsh wind. And the frequent thunderstorms were not helping at all.

But they still pushed on.

It took them still longer than Brett expected and after three weeks of constant travel they saw the soft outline of their once-hometown. They stood on the highway, the sign said '3km to Brisbane' and they exchanged a look. They would not go into the city, even if they wanted to. Too many infected and it would be simply crazy to venture in a city.

Brett looked at the map and pointed on the right.

"East coast. Give us an additional week and then we are there. Where did you say you heard about the rumor?"

"I heard a rumor about Port Macquarie ," Eddy looked over Brett's shoulder to point it out on the map.

"Okay, we go there then. It will take us maybe two weeks to get there if we walk roughly eight hours a day. We will go right through the Guy Fawkes River National Park. Hm, yeah."

Brett looked harder at the piece of map. It was not easy, but they had done a lot in these six years, so that would be no problem. Hopefully.

"If we avoid the towns and cities close .... And then around there .... And then there..." Brett traced the possible route with his finger and nodded. He decided on something.

"Make it three weeks, but we will be safer that way. We avoid each and every town and city as best as we can, which will take us more time, but we are indeed safer. We will follow a couple of rivers and small streams and lakes as we have now."

He pointed the route out to Eddy.

"You okay with it?"

"Yeah, I'm fine with it. In the end it's just a journey to a destination. The route doesn't really bother me," Eddy shrugged slightly, as long as they got there alive he was good with anything. His standards weren't hard to meet, just give him water and an alive Brett and he'd be happy.

With Eddy being okay with the route, they set out.

As expected, it took them a good three weeks to get to the outskirts of Port Macquarie. They looked at the city and exchanged a look.

"Soooo, we go into the city, yeah?"

"I guess we do... Let's just sneak around though so we can see if the rumors are true or not." Eddy licked his lips, this was the moment of truth and he was nervous to say the least. They had no clue how this would go, or if they would even be granted safety.

"Yeah, okay. We will be super careful." Brett nudged Eddy at the shoulder. They really had to be careful. The stories might be good, but they had to see the reality for themselves.

So they ducked into an alleyway, looking around. They didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but one thing stuck out like a sore thumb, "Eddy, did you notice? There are no infected. Like, none at all."

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