A Hedgehogs Velocity (SFW) Part 10/12 - Magic-AU

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Chapter 10

Eddy awoke early, the sun was still in the sky but was a few hours from setting. Hopefully they could use this time to find someone. He nudged Brett with his nose to wake him up, "I gotta take you to town today, get up."

Brett snorted and slowly blinked his eyes open. He yawned and stretched his tiny hedgehog body untilt his bones were popping and he felt refreshed.

"Hmm, morning," he mumbled and blinked sleepily around them. He licked over Eddy's nose before turning and starting to waddle out of the nest. He was not really awake - that much was clear to see - and his instincts were on point, his brain, ah, not so much.

Eddy got up, stretching his little body before he followed Brett outside of the nest, "Good morning."

He had to reply once out since Brett waddled on his own without waiting for a reply. When Brett heard Eddy answering he turned around and licked over the nose again before nodding. He was a more silent fella when he didn't have enough sleep so it seems. Together they waddled to the berry bush where Brett ate two dozen fruits without making a fuss and after drinking from the stream, Brett was half awake now. At least he was more talkative, "Hmmm, I'm sleepy."

Nobody said he was an intellectual after being sleep deprived. While Eddy snored nicely beside him, Brett was awake for almost half the 'night' so he was understandably tired.

"I understand you're sleepy, the sun is still out after all," Eddy looked up at the sky. It wasn't as bright as it would have been if it were the early morning. It was still bright enough for nocturnal hedgehogs though. It was what had to be done though, they must make their journey.

Brett nodded again and waddled with Eddy towards wherever the smaller hedgehog was leading them. He didn't know and he didn't need to know. All he had to know was that Eddy knew the way and that was the most important thing.

"So, yeah. We go to the master now, right? How much will it cost?"

"I have never seen one so I do not know. We will find out though. For now we just need to get to the town so we can seek one out. Then we will have our answer. If we don't have enough, we can work more or possibly barter," Eddy spoke softly with a hum. He would do what needed to be done to get Brett all set.

Brett didn't feel comfortable with seeing a master and then not being able to pay his fee. Also he would hate to rob Eddy of all his money!

"Uhm, I mean, we can check his prices before we talk to him, right? And if he is too expensive we can see a not so expensive one, right? I mean we can work beforehand and then pay the master."

It would take a lot longer but Brett would hate to think that he had to pay a debt in this world as well. And as the first thing to do. No, that would be too sad.

Eddy never said they would have a consultation, he said they would seek one. Which included looking at the prices before meeting with them. But to check prices they needed to seek where a master was. However if they couldn't afford any they would do more jobs to have the right to service, "Yes, Brett. To both things. Don't stress yourself out."

"I'm too tired to be stressed. I just wanted to ask you. I mean, it would be unfair if I spent all your money, right?" In that case, they just needed to earn more. Maybe he should play the violin for some beings there.

"I don't typically need money so even if you did spend all of mine, I do not mind." Eddy hummed as he trotted along. As a hedgehog he didn't really need cash. He just thought the gold coins were pretty. Not to mention shiny. That's why he did the job with Celeste; to have all of the shiny things!

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