A Hedgehogs Velocity (SFW) Part 7/12 - Magic-AU

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Chapter 7

Brett was laying on the bed, sighing. He felt bad. His tummy was gurgling and bubbling and he wasn't really happy. Because Eddy, that sly hedgehog, told him he ate worms and they were in the blackberries. The tasty, tasty blackberries. And since he had nothing left in his stomach thanks to digestion, he couldn't even heave up that. So he whined and decided to lay in bed to whine some more. Eddy watched Brett, taking pity on him, "There's a place where wizards are. We can always turn into hoomans and go there for food."
He decided he should offer to be a good friend. Even if neither of them were the happiest hedgies at the moment, sad times were bound to happen, there would always be something wrong but they could overcome it together.

Brett shook his head. He whined more about it being so damn tasty than the others. The thought was still gross but they tasted awesome! And that was the problem.

Brett huffed again and buried his head into the moss. He just needed a few moments and would bounce back to his happy self in a bit. It was just the shock for his human brain that maggots and worms were delicious.

Eddy quietly laid by him, he would allow Brett to have his moment of weakness. He would not tease him about it or say anymore, it was not nice to tease if one was emotionally distressed. Eddy now knew that because he didn't like it. Thus he wouldn't put Brett through the same. The hedgehog man could process everything at his own rate.

Brett was just a huffy baby instead of a screeching one like Eddy. He turned his head to Eddy and huffed again. That traitor didn't say anything! For that he stuck his mostly cold nose into Eddy's ear again. It wasn't as cold as before but instead more like normal temperature. He would get his revenge! Somehow. And it wouldn't be just a cold nose in an ear!

But now he just wasn't happy.

"I want a burger with hot dogs. I want normal food. Normal human food! Why do you have to eat grubs and maggots?"

"Because I am a hedgehog and it has the nutrients I need. I also kill small lizards sometimes. Would you rather eat that?" Eddy did offer to go to the wizard world for the whiny baby to get more normal food. Brett said no though so the picky thing would get what he got.
Eddy moved his head away a bit when Brett stuck his nose against his ear, it wasn't too bad this time though.

"Eddy, I love you, I really do, but sometimes I think you playdumb on purpose. It was a rhetorical question; it doesn't need an answer. I know why you need that and why you eat that, I was complaining to the gods who made this world, you know," Brett gently explained. He didn't think Eddy was dumb, just that a lot of what he did wasn't logical for the hedgehog. He was just complaining to complain. It wasn't anything serious after all. He ate worms, he kind of liked it, even if it was gross, and he was still fine afterwards. So all was mostly well, except his image of never having eaten something so disgusting. He could now 'Never have I ever' drink when he was asked if he had ever eaten a bug or insect. Nothing he was proud of.

"I do not understand that," Eddy simply stated, sure he whined, screeched and complained but he always had a point to doing so. It meant he wanted something or a change, "Why complain if you don't want it changed?"

He asked softly and confused.

"Because that's what this is about. I can't change the things you eat and now I need to eat to get everything I need. But I definitely can complain about it!" Brett sighed again and laid his head back now that he couldn't stick it into Eddy's ear since the hedgehog wasn't fazed by it. Or it wasn't cold enough. Sad days for Brett.

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