A Hedgehogs Velocity (SFW) Part 4/12 - Magic-AU

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Chapter 4

The weeks that followed it were strange and at the same time calming. They bonded pretty well and Brett dared to say, they had now a real friendship together.

The day of the lifting of the borders came and with the last of his money he bought the plane ticket. All the very expensive vet visits were behind them and paid as well, so they were boarding the plane. Eddy got shaken a bit when the security pulled Brett aside but the man had all the necessary paperwork handy. The guards looked at the tiny thing and gave it back to Brett.

The hooman specifically chose a window seat so Eddy could see outside, if he wanted. Boarding came and went and they were finally on the plane. Before his chair-neighbors came, he leaned down and whispered to Eddy, "Now please be quiet. It will take roughly five hours, but then we are in the calculated magical hot spot."

Yes, they had done their research on that as well. They had to. Brett was running very low on funds and he couldn't travel as much as he wanted - it was a miracle he even could pay rent by now - so that was already a big stretch for him financially. He already sold everything he didn't need anymore.

He opened the lid of the plastic container and rubbed over Eddy's nose.

"We will start in about thirty minutes."

Eddy rubbed his nose against Brett's hand, wanting all the affection. He concluded a plane was kinda like a big bird but they were riding inside of it instead of bareback. It was rather fascinating in some ways. Also terrifying but at least he had the hooman to annoy.

But the hooman was not as easy to annoy, because Brett lifted the hand and placed the lid back on, after the first chair-neighbor arrived. He put a dark towel over Eddy's case but left one side open, which he pushed towards the window so the hedgehog could see what was happening.

Eddy was not pleased by this but was told to be quiet. So he would be even if it was against his will. He sniffled a bit as he smelled his area, then looked out the window to see how this thing worked.

Brett fastened his seatbelt and the big bird was slowly rolling, therefore the scenery in the windows changed. Hopefully Eddy remembered that he should be quiet the whole flight and not transform. That could become a real problem.

Eddy's eyes widened as they got higher in the sky. He was not meant to be in the sky, this was freaking terrifying! The hedgehog turned away to hide from the horror.

Brett shuffled the towel over the last side as well, seeing that Eddy shuffled inside the rabbit house again. Well, someone didn't like it to be above the clouds apparently. He snickered. Oh well!

When they were high in the air, he opened the seatbelt and stretched. Now they had roughly four hours left, until they would descend. This would be a fun time! He pulled out his phone and started typing away.

Eddy was pretty much hiding and would stay hiding until it wasn't as scary. Right now it was still scary and he prefered not to have a heart attack. Although that was the least of his concerns at the moment. The plane was cold! He shivered a bit so he curled up into a ball.

Brett couldn't help Eddy now. The container was on his lap and the thick towel was all around Eddy now, but more was not possible. He couldn't whip the hedgehog out of the enclosure, the flight attendants were pretty insistent about it and it violated a lot of health codes anyway. Not to mention regular rule violations which resulted in him paying a huge fine. And Brett really didn't want to pay for that. He sometimes lifted the towel to look underneath. Oh wow, at least Eddy didn't have to endure it a second time. He would return to his world, so everything would be fine.

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