The only thing I want is you Part 3 (NSFW) Creature-AU

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Chapter 2 of this series

Ready for a BIG surprise everybody?  

Yes? No? Hah! You better be!


Chapter Two – Nothing spells love more than trouble with forced hands (NSFW)

!!! Warning !!!


Attempted Rape


The next days were not as exciting as Eddy would have liked them. Maybe it was better this way, but still. No surprises meant no harm, but it was also dreadfully boring. Driving on the road with Ray in the car was tense. The couple sat on the seat bench behind Ray and more often than not Eddy noticed he was being watched in the rear-mirror. Only when Brett snarled or told him to stop, Ray relented and looked at the road. It was the worst feeling for Eddy, being constantly watched. He didn't mind the attention when it came from Brett, but Ray made him feel uneasy.

They were the fourth day on the road, only halting for Eddy to step out for basic needs and for Ray to feed himself at night. Brett still fed himself on Eddy. Of course being the whole time in the car meant also that they didn't have enough privacy or even time alone for a good fuck. Or even a blowjob or handjob to increase Eddy's blood quality. Because of that, Brett needed more food than usual and Eddy could not keep up with that.

So on the fifth day both vampires had to hunt for food while Eddy waited at a gas station to buy some food for himself and enough sweet liquid to keep hydrated.

He got into the car and laid down on the backseats, slipping off his shoes and throwing all the food and liquids in the footwell. He snuggled up in the thick blanket and after locking the car, closed his eyes.

It was very dark outside and the moon was high in the sky. Maybe Brett could come back to him a bit earlier than Ray so they could have some fun? With that positive thought it didn't take long and Eddy was out of it.

A soft knock in the window awoke him. Still sleepy, he rubbed his eyes and only saw a shadowy figure looming outside. Was Brett back? He unlocked the door sluggishly before opening it a crack to let the other person in.
"Are you back love?"

But it was not Brett but Ray who was standing in front of Eddy.

"What a lovely surprise to see you here."

Eddy rolled his eyes, tried to look around Ray to see if Brett came back with him and yawned.

"Get lost, Ray."

The older vampire snickered and pushed Eddy not very gently back in the car, closing the door behind him and locking it. Eddy felt a cold shiver running down his back. Why wasn't Brett with him? Why was Ray alone here? It smelled like trouble for him. Big, big trouble.

Eddy gulped and tried to make himself smaller by pressing against the car door on the other side and as far as he possibly could to get away from Ray. But the vampire was not deterred. He grabbed Eddy's ankle and pulled. In a swift move Ray was on top of Eddy, pressing the boy with his weight down.

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