Prompt 20 - Restart (2 of 2?)

104 11 14

Restart (Continuation of "Reflection")

It was now half a year after Eddy was banished to the mirror-realm. He could only watch the destruction the other Eddy havoced.

Brett, dead.

Belle, raped and dead.

His mother, dead.

His friends like Shaun, Zachary, Editor-san, all met the same fate. All were dead now.

He could do nothing against it, only watch. It broke his mind even more. He was now just a weeping baby, curled up as he laid on the nothingness of the mirror-dimension.

A soft 'tock-tock-tock' caused him to raise his head. The other Eddy was smiling cruelly at him, beckoning him closer. What else could go wrong, right? What else could the cold blooded murderer do to shock him, right? What else did he have to lose, right?!

So, Eddy got up, wiped over his face and came closer. He dared to look around, nothing seemed out of order. The other Eddy hopped from hotel room to hotel room after he finished his gruelling task and drank a lot of alcohol, fucked prostitutes, sometimes killing them too. But this time around, nothing happened. The room looked suspiciously clean and nothing else happened.

So, Eddy drew closer. The other one grinned still and then raised a hand to place it onto the mirror.


Eddy dived closer and touched the glass from his side too. In a split second he was back in his original body. But the cold one didn't stop smiling. He retreated a bit farther back and started laughing like a maniac.

The original Eddy was confused, what? Anyway, now he could restart his life, as hard as it may be! He got another chance! But he didn't have any time to even think more about his situation when he heard loud footsteps in the hallway. Someone was shouting something and suddenly everything was quiet. Eddy turned to his door and furrowed his brows.

Then hell broke loose.

His door was broken down, men in tactical gear stormed into his hotel room, he was roughly pushed to the floor, screamed at. He was frightened. He dared to look at the mirror and slowly understood why he was being let out again. The cold eyes told him everything and then his reflection mouthed 'Goodbye'.

Someone screamed something about weapons in the bathroom, drugs as well. He felt the cold metal against his neck and a dark voice whispered, "One move and I will kill ya' dirty asshole."

The next few seconds were a rush to Eddy; he was being cuffed. The brackets were uncomfortable tight and he was roughly pulled to his feet. One police officer screamed at him, Eddy didn't understand what was said.

The only thing he knew was that he would be tried and found guilty, incarcerated and probably killed there. And he could do nothing. Nothing at all. A hysterical laughter bubbled up. His fucking mirror image!

He threw a last look at the man who looked so much like him and then not at all.


The officers roughened him up, trying to stop him from speaking, one punch landed in his stomach, but Eddy continued to scream. He thrashed in the tight hold of the officers, wanting to run to the mirror to switch one last time. But he didn't get anywhere. Instead, he was dragged away, forcefully and none too gently pushed into the police car.

And of course, the future didn't seem so sunny anymore. More like bleak and hopeless. Eddy hoped this life would end fast. Only then, he could find peace.

Words: 594

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