A good day

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The day went a whole lot better than just fine, it was perfect, and I could not be happier to have shared it with such a beautiful family as Lucas's. Everyone was amazing, and they made me feel very welcome despite their initial reaction to my arrival. Martha was the sweetest, it was like she lived just for the sole purpose of adoring her three grandchildren.

The kids and I had barely spoken since we arrived, and I could not blame them because they only had today to spend with their dear grandparents. Lucas was busy with his dad too, but still made time to check if I was doing well every once in a while. One time, when Matha was not looking, he snuck some cookies for me, which was both funny and sweet. Though I had to slurp it down my throat, because and I quote him, "Mom would have both our heads if she sees you eating her special grandbabies cookies."

I spent most of the day next to Lillian with Mia calling every hour for pictures and videos, and both their companies were just the best. It was impossible to have a boring moment with either, especially Lillian. I liked her already, and hopefully, I had made a new friend in her. This trip was so worthwhile.

Finally, after a very blissful day, it was time for dinner. It was an outdoor dinner at the diner in a large courtyard downstairs, and the light from the sun setting only made it look like something out of a fairytale book. The twins made a fuss when I told them it was time to wash their hands for dinner, and as usual, Zoey followed too. She was the cutest little thing, and probably the highlight of everyone's day, with her imitations and mimicks.

Lucas walked into the kitchen while I was trying to get the kids to wash their hands. He laughed and said, "I'll let this one pass they've been good all day," he helped me lift Aiden so he could reach the handbasin while I held on to Zoey, who seemed to be ready to put everything she laid hands on into her mouth, and no it was not food.

He did the same for Abby, and the two kids ran back to the table while I tried to loosen Zoey's grip on my hair. Lucas chuckled and said, "Here let me help you with that." He cooed and tickled her, and she giggled so hard, her hand forgot to continue pulling my hair.

"Thank you," I smiled, and washed her little hands.

"No, thank you,"

"Me? why?" I asked sharply.

"For being here today, I know you did not have to," he gave a half-smile.

I took Zoey's hands and sprinkled some water on him, "You'll get that again if you thank me keep thanking me unnecessarily."

"Okay, okay," he laughed, "let's go have dinner."

Never in a million years did I ever think I would be sitting here amid a real family having dinner over laughs and jokes. The children were very comfortable, and Martha made sure to shoot Lucas a warning glare every time he scolded the kids about playing at the table. Well, I guess it's their day.

I could not bring myself to find any fault with this perfect family. Everyone was just so comfortable with each other, no one was trying to show off or act like they were better like others, even Lucas that was usually the grumpy one was laughing his heart out about a joke his father said. It was hard to believe that this family owned one of the biggest Biotech companies in California. They were the perfect family in my eyes, and it would take a lot of convincing to change my mind on that.

After dinner, Zoey finally started to drift asleep, and her mom carried her, rocking her gently to sleep. She fell asleep almost immediately. Aiden and Abby lowered their voices so they would not wake her up, and I smiled proudly to see how smart they were.

when Lillian went to put Zoey in her bed, I took the chance to check my phone if Celine had replied to my message. As I expected, she was rolling with laughter, and she replied:

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