Chapter 16 Consequences of a Weasel

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Later that day the Weasley twins tracked down Harry when he appeared to be watching and supporting Neville Longbottom although in reality he was there for Malfoy (both of them) who was playing at the same time as Neville. Neither fourteen year olds were doing well at the present. Harry had a feeling they weren't going to get much further.


And he would be proved to be right when they were both beaten by their female competitors much to Malfoy's embarrassment although at least he had the sense not to show the anger he was feeling. He shook the French blonde girl he was playing against hand, congratulated and told the reporters that she had clearly been a better player and he would just have to get better. Harry had a feeling only he could see the burning anger in his grey eyes and the harsh set of his chin telling Harry that Draco Malfoy hated loosing. Harry had after all seen that look after every Quidditch match they had played together in.


Neville on the other hand looked disappointed. Harry knew that Neville's self-esteem would take a hit which it really couldn't handle. Add his grandmother – the reason Neville had entered in the first place – to the picture and Neville would be depressed for days.


'Harry,' a familiar voice behind him said.


'Fred, George,' said Harry crisply.


Of course, Harry knew that they weren't in on it but it wouldn't do to be that obvious about it. Harry had to pretend he was still hurt over what Ronald had said and was mistrustful of everything Weasley. Harry wasn't but he couldn't just come out and say that without people asking how he knew they weren't in on it.


'Look mate,' George said awkwardly.


'We don't agree with our brother,' Fred continued taking over from his less confident brother.


'Ron's always been a prat,' George said.


'-but this is Percy level,' Fred finished.


To the Weasley twins being compared to the obnoxious Percy Weasley was the worst thing in the world so calling Ronald a Percy level prat was the biggest insult the boys were capable of. Harry still trusted the Weasley twins but were wary of trusting them as he didn't know what the Weasley twins would do if they found out his true allegiances. They had always been a bit on the wild side and didn't fall in line with the rest of their family unless it suited them but to keep friends with those on the Dark side Harry didn't know if they would do that.


'We wanted to know if you would be up for a bit of Ron torture?' they said together.


Harry had to stop a smirk forming on his face at that. Ronald and Percy had always been the butt of the twins' jokes and the test subject for their joke shop. Weasley had always hated it and complained about it constantly. It would be good to see the Weasel be tortured relentlessly for a few weeks.

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