Chapter 37 A Broken Family

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Fred and George waited until Ron and Ginny were heading in the direction of the McGonagall’s office before they pulled into one of their secret hiding places that they had found in third year. Fred knew that like him George was not happy with the way things were going with the so called Light side. They knew they were going to have to make a choice quickly but at the moment both sides seemed almost as bad as one another.


‘Do you really think Harry killed Hermione?’ George asked desperately.


‘You know the answer to that,’ Fred replied sharply.


Fred nodded knowing that the two of them had always had a sort of sixth sense for what the other was feeling. Their mother had hated it trying to discourage them for thinking and speaking as one. Not that Molly Weasley had ever succeeded even when she tried to put them in different rooms all would happen was they would crawl into the same bed at night.


‘We knew Harry wanted revenge,’ Fred said quietly.


‘I thought-‘ started George.


‘That they were going-‘continued Fred.


‘-to do it legally,’ agreed George.


‘Do you really think You Know Who would be happy doing that?’ asked Fred dryly.


‘No,’ agreed George darkly. ‘Anyway-‘


‘Azkaban, is hardly better,’ agreed Fred.


‘I just can’t believe Harry would kill Hermione!’ George said. ‘No matter what she’s done.’


Fred nodded feeling sick at what their friend had done. It was sad to realise that out of everyone – Harry, Dumbledore, Ginny, Ron, and Mum they were the most moral of them all. They may have been troublemakers and pranksters but they weren’t purposefully cruel!


‘What do we do?’ George asked Fred desperately.


‘It’s not like Dumbledore-‘began George.


‘-and Mum-‘continued Fred.


‘-Ron-,’ added George.


'-Or Ginny-‘ added Fred.

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