Chapter 43 Informants

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Percy had arrived at work half an hour early where he immediately made his way up to the Minister of Magic’s office. Percy just hoped that his father had not arrived at work yet to see what Percy was about to do. Despite Arthur Weasley’s derision of Dumbledore’s plan Percy knew he would not approve of Percy telling the Minister of Magic what was going on as Dad thought him to be a fool. How Dad thought he'd attained the position of Minister of Magic whilst being one Percy had no idea.


Percy chapped on the door feeling very nervous about what was going to happen if he was admitted into the highest office in the Ministry of Magic. A large part of him wished that the Minister would not be in so Percy could not do what he was about to do. Despite everything that had happened in the last few days going to the Minister still felt like a betrayal.


‘Enter,’ Fudge called.


Percy entered nervously taking a gulp as he tried desperately to settle his nerves but to no avail. Still despite his nervousness he couldn’t help but look around the office with awe even if the office looked far more ordinary than Percy had pictured in his day dreams. One day Percy decided this office would be his. Percy couldn’t see anyway he would not achieve his ambitions.


‘Minister,’ Percy said hoping he didn’t sound too much of a child. ‘Professor Dumbledore has been around at my house. I fear his influence on my parents and younger siblings. As well as his plans for Harry – that is Heir Slytherin.’


Fudge gave Percy a piercing look, ‘your father is Arthur Weasley, right?’


Fudge’s face at the mention of his father caused Percy to flush with embarrassment, shame, anger and self-loathing for being ashamed of his father. Percy had encountered this kind of remark from higher ups since he had joined the Ministry who were surprised to find Percy so normal. They all found his father’s fondness for Muggles and their inventions to be baffling and insane.


‘Yes, sir,’ Percy said with some trepidation.


‘It does not surprise me that your father has been hoodwinked by Dumbledore,’ Fudge said bitterly. ‘So tell me what you know.’


Percy hesitated, ‘I want to but I don’t want to cause my father to lose his job. I will tell you everything about Dumbledore’s plans if you can guarantee that my father will keep his job.’


Fudge gave Percy a piercing look, ‘that will depend what he’s involved in. I can promise that I won’t have him fired but if he is found to be involved in criminal activities then it is possible that the DMLE would prosecute or Lord Slytherin if he is involved in slandering young Heir Slytherin. If you would like a can summon Madam Bones and Lord Slytherin of them up here myself.’

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