Chapter 39 Dirty Light

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Severus strode through the halls of Hogwarts a furious expression masking his determination of re-earning Dumbledore’s trust so that he could report back the Light’s movements to the Dark faction. Severus knew that he was no longer trusted after it became clear that the so called Boy Who Lived was really the Dark Lord’s son and heir who had defected to the Dark. Luckily said boy was very intelligent and had managed to come up with a plan which Severus hoped he could pull off.


Otherwise they would be depending on the Weasley twins as their source of information. Not a position that any of them wanted to be in. Not only were the Weasley twins still on the fence about which side they belonged to but they were pathologically incapable of treating anything seriously.


As Severus stormed into Dumbledore’s office he thought that it was lucky he had met no students on the way. If they had seen him now all their rumours and beliefs about him would in their minds have been confirmed. Never mind with the way Severus had been acting more than one of them would have had a heart attack.


Severus flung the doors to the headmaster’s office wide open murder written in his every action. Few had seen Severus Tobias Snape this angry and even fewer had lived to tell the tale. This was the Death Eater who had been so feared in the last war.


‘DID YOU KNOW?’ roared Severus spittle flying out.


Dumbledore was at his desk the epitome of shock as she stared at his Potions master come spy. Severus wondered what the old fool thought of the usual emotionless spy acting in such a manner. Dumbledore wouldn’t have seen Severus acting so erratically since Lily’s death which was exactly how Severus was attempting to act like his whole life was falling apart once more.


Severus slammed his hand down so hard on the desk that it hurt. Severus was sure that it an angry bruise would already be forming on his hand. Severus forced his facial muscles into an expression of apoplectic rage.


Severus wondered if Dumbledore was under the correct impression that Severus was once again loyal to the Dark. Honestly, if anyone saw the way he was treating Albus Dumbledore the so called leader of the so called Light they would be under the same impression. Severus Snape wore an expression that could only been described as murderous rage.


It wasn’t hard considering what this old fool had done to his Lord’s son. This was the man who had manipulated his one weak point into betraying everything he believed in. This was the man who pretended to be the epitome of goodness whilst plotting murder, kidnap and Morgana knew what other plots.


‘DID YOU FUCKING KNOW?’ Severus yelled right into the old man’s face.


Severus felt some satisfaction seeing spit landing all over the man’s face. Dumbledore looked a little more human than the godlike omnipotent being he always liked to display himself as by doing something as mundane as wiping spit off of his wrinkled visage. Somehow Dumbledore was able to up his absolutely shocked and bemused face despite the fact that he knew exactly what upset Severus so.

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