Chapter 62 Politics and Cake

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On the thirtieth of July Harry found himself at his birthday celebration. Every single Death Eater and ally of his father were here to honour him. Harry found himself quite embarrassed by the proceedings but understood that as the Dark Lord’s Heir the pomp and circumstance could not be ignore. It was the thing he hated the most about being the Dark Lord’s Heir.


At least tomorrow he could celebrate his birthday with his close friends and family rather than have people who did not know him. Just respected, feared and idolised his father. Harry was sure he would receive the best presents that the Death Eaters could afford but it would not be real.


Harry was back in the ball room dressed in a long, flowing silver, velveteen robes with wide arms. It was designed to be quite roomy so hid the small bump that was beginning to form. Harry doubted that the Death Eaters would risk the lives of themselves and their families by revealing Harry’s pregnancy.


Still it only took one wrong person drunk, stupid or traitorous witch or wizard for the Prophet or Dumbledore to find out. And Merlin knew that Dumbledore would do if he realised that Harry was pregnant too. And given the two months difference in gestation time for first male pregnancies and female pregnancies it meant that Harry and Ginny were due on almost exactly the same day.


All of Dumbledore’s plans hinged on Harry being heirless so he could use Ginny’s child to claim Harry’s titles and vaults which would not work if Harry had a child he had claimed especially if Harry’s child was his firstborn. Not that it would work anyway because Ginny’s child was not his, but Dumbledore didn’t know that. And would not know that until it was too late!


‘Are you alright?’ Tom asked gently.


‘Fine,’ Harry said too quickly.


Tom gave Harry an unconvinced look. Harry looked away hating the way that his father could see right through him.


Harry sighed, ‘just this isn’t my kind of thing.’


Tom sighed sadly, ‘I know. This is more for their benefit than yours but-‘


‘But we have to keep up appearances and traditions,’ Harry said. ‘I know. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.’


Tom gave Harry a piercing look, ‘it’s not just that.’


Harry looked away, ‘no. Worried about Dumbledore finding out … about the baby. Merlin knows what he’d do then. He’d probably do the same he did to me. And Merlin knows what would happen to Marcus’ baby. Probably split them up and place them in equally bad homes so that he has a backup “Saviour” should anything happen to the first.’

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