Chapter 73 Bad Ractions

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Lord Marcus Flint was reading the evening edition of the Prophet. Dumbledore had finally been arrested and was now on the run from the law. Apparently, the Auror office was interviewing known associates of Albus Dumbledore which hopefully would mean that it would only be a matter of time before the Weasley girl’s secret was revealed. That was when the wards at the entrance of his property went with a simple knocking charm.


Marcus apparated to the edge of the grounds where he found Amelia Bones and Senior Auror Jamieson Tuckett. Tuckett who was the lead investigator on the Whitehead line theft case … which meant that the line theft had been discovered.


‘Ah, I think you had better come in,’ Marcus said.


Marcus allowed them in through the wards and lead the two of them through the grounds and into his reception room. There was a large ornate mahogany fireplace on the back wall, which was dark green, the other three walls were pale grey. There were two dark green couches with grey cushions pattered with the crossed wand and spear that was the Flint family crest. One would think it was decorated in Slytherin colours but in actual fact it was the Flint colours.


‘So, you know why we are here?’ asked Bones.


Auror Tuckett is lead Auror for the Whitehead case,’ Marcus said. ‘I was unaware that Whitehead Practice had handed my details to the DMLE.’


‘They didn’t,’ Bones said dryly. ‘We questioned an underaged associate of Albus Dumbledore. The DoMC became concerned about her guardians so did a full medical scan, and we found out she had been artificially inseminated. Under questioning she has admitted that she committed line theft.’


‘So, it was your semen that was stolen?’ asked Tuckett.


Marcus frowned, ‘I thought you were already aware of that fact.’


‘It was unclear whether it was yourself, or your Heir,’ explained Tuckett.


Marcus nodded understanding, ‘yes it was. My son has been travelling since graduating last summer.’


And spending his trust vault with a worrisome speed, so much so that Marcus had made it quite clear that if all the money was spent, he would not be getting anymore. His son had naturally complained and begged but Marcus had refused to budge on this matter. Still Marcus would not be his Heir for much longer.


‘You should know you were not the intended target,’ Tuckett said.

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