Chapter 32 Dark and Light

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‘Ah, Ginevra, I’m glad to see you got my message,’ smiled Albus grandfatherly façade firmly in place.


The red headed Weasley girl entered the headmaster’s office confidently without missing a step. The young woman had been here enough to be used to it. Albus waited for the girl to get herself seated in front of the desk before Albus began telling the girl his plan involving the her and the bloody Slytherin brat.


Albus was sure that the young woman would be more than happy to manipulate Slytherin into becoming the perfect weapon of the Light. Naturally the two would connect over the fear of possession that the Weasley girl had suffered through and the bastard would soon enough be going through. Of course, Albus was not going to say as much to the girl.


Albus couldn’t risk her being emotional thanks to the trauma she suffered and ruining his plans. Albus doubted she would as greed and ambition were her main motivators but Albus couldn’t risk her acting out. Not when the vane girl was his final chance at bringing the brat to heal.


No instead Albus would encourage her over the summer to re-connect with the Slytherin brat. To use their shared experiences at the hands of the Dark Lord to convince the boy that she was the only one who truly understood him. Albus was sure with the lure of becoming Lady Potter that Ginevra would leap at the chance to do as Albus “suggested”.


‘Headmaster, what is it you wanted?’ questioned the girl.


‘I think you ought to know that Voldemort has returned,’ Albus said gravely.


Predictably the girl gasped in horror and fear as memories of her time possessed and kidnapped resurfaced in her mind. Albus knew right away that he had said the right thing. Scared people Albus had found almost always looked for someone to give them hope in the hopeless time so now the Weasley girl would turn to Albus for guidance in these dark times as so many others had already done.


‘How?’ whispered Ginevra.


‘I would rather that information not become common knowledge,’ Albus said gravely not revealing he had no idea. ‘I’m sure you can understand that.’


The girl nodded, ‘of course.’


Albus was pleased that unlike her older brother the youngest Weasley did not question his knowledge. Ginevra just accepted that Albus knew and that was enough for her. Molly had taught her well.


‘Naturally, the situation with Slytherin cannot remain as it is,’ Albus said gravely. ‘As valuable as Frederick and George are I do not believe that they will be understand what the brat has to do. Ronald and Miss Granger have lost Slytherin’s trust so it is imperative that you regain it.’

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