Chapter 63 A Proper Birthday

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The first thing that Harry did when waking up was to promptly rush to the toilet and throw everything up. Lucius had followed him to the toilet brushing the hair away from his face and holding him. When it finally over Lucius led Harry over to bed whilst he ordered some ginger tea from the house-elves which he added the anti-emetic potion to that Harry quietly sipped.


‘Thanks,’ Harry said weakly.


‘How are you feeling?’ asked Lucius.


‘Looking forward to seeing the We-Morants,’ Harry replied.


Today the day of his birthday Harry had invited only those he was closest to. Aside from his father, Lucius and Sirius that was Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and Draco. Harry wondered how that was going to go with one large overprotective dog shaped man, five ignorant red heads, his lover, his lover’s son and his overprotective father.


Harry had considered inviting some other club members but decided it was easier just to have just them because most of the rest of the club held him with some level of reverence for his birth. Harry had had enough of that last night thank you very much. It was just going to be a tea party in one of the gardens (or conservatories if the weather didn’t hold) in the grounds. Much nicer than the exhausting faff of last night which still left Harry feeling completely drained.


‘And your stomach?’ asked Lucius.


‘Still a bit queasy,’ Harry admitted. ‘Oh, I can’t wait for this to be over.’


‘Shouldn’t be much longer than a month or two,’ reassured Lucius.


‘Hopefully,’ Harry replied.




Harry startled spilling his tea a bit as his exuberant godfather burst into his bedroom. A garish red and gold cake with fifteen candles of multihued flames floating in front of Sirius. Upon, seeing him and Lucius in bed together even if they were fully pyjamaed he scowled.


‘What are you doing here?’ demanded Sirius crossly.


‘What am I doing here?’ demanded Lucius as he vanished the tea. ‘You just caused Harry to spill hot tea all over himself, Black. You’re not hurt, are you?’


‘Lucius, I’m fine no harm done,’ Harry reassured his overprotective lover.

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