Chapter 66

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"It's almost full." I said as I looked into the new pool we had just put up.

We had built a deck and put up a pool within a week.

Ian gave me a thumbs up. I sat down in the lawn next to Shakira. She was playing Flow on her ipod.

Ryan and Reese were sitting in the swing under the willow tree.

Mady was helping Ian make hot dogs. It was perfect. We seemed so normal.

All of a sudden Nash came roller skating out  of the house screaming out of control. He was naked except for a cape he had on. He rollerskated straight into the pool.

"Oh yea that's right that's why were not normal." I said.

Nash popped up.

"Guys please help I can't stop rolling." Nash whispered as he stood up.

We all looked at him.

"Take the sktaes off." Ian said.

Nash started to take a step but rolled and fell under again.

"THEY ARE STUCK UNTIL FOREVER!" He screamed as he popped up.

I got up and ripped my shirt off I threw my iphone on the lawn shirt. I kicked off my shoes and hopped into the freezing cold water.

"OH MY GOSH!!" I shouted as I felt the ice cold water.

"Jamie you've come to save me your so brave." Nash said making me feel really weird.

I grabbed him and lifted him over the side of the pool.

"Jamie your so strong." Nash said.

I rolled my eyes.

I pulled myself up over the edge.

"Dude we need to get the ladder set up." I said as I sat by Nash and started untying Nashes skates.

"Oh Jamie your so heroic." Nash said as I emoved a skated.

"Nash stop hitting on my man." Shakira said as she looked up from her game.

"Aww look who's half naked helping the naked boy." Mady said.

We were so used to Nash being naked it didn't phase us.

I took the other skate off of Nashes foot.

Nash smiled at me and kiss my nose.

"My hero." He said.

I rolled my eyes and laughed and pushed his head to the side which accidentaly caused him to fall in the pool.

Everybody busted out laughing. I haven't realized but in some way we've all come together and become like a family. Reese and Ryan are going to be a family soon. I looked over at Shakira she was smiling at me. I smiled back at her she looked beautiful. I hope some day I'll get enough balls to propse to her. Nash popped up and grabbed me and pulled me in.



Nash pulled Jamie into the pool with him. I started laughing.

I put my iphone don't and slipped off my flip flops I jumped into the pool with the boys.

"Nash stay away from Jamie he's mine!" I shouted as I grabbed Jamie and pulled him away.

"Do you want my naked places in your face?" Nash asked.

"NO!" I shouted.

"Keep your stuff away from her!" Jamie shouted at him.

"Then give me him!" Nash growled.

"Never!" I said as I rapped my arm around him.

Just then there was another splash.

Reese and Ryan had jumped in.  Ryan dunked Nash. Then Reese jumped onto his back.

"RUN!" She yelled. Jamie and I climed out and ran into the house.

"NO GUYS USE TOWELS!" Ian shouted.

Jamie and I kept running.

We ran into our room and locked the door.

We stood there a second.

"I don't think they're coming." I whispered.

All of a sudden Nash busted through the screen in the window.

"Hello ladies!" He shouted.

Jamie unlocked the door and we ran out.

Nash followed behind. We ran back outside and Ian was carrying the hotdogs. Unfortionatly he was in our way so we knocked him and the hot dogs into the pool.

We stopped at the edge of the pool but only to be knocked in by Nash.

Ian popped up.

"YOU GUYS! He yelled.

Mady hopped in.

"Ian calm down it was funny."  She said.

Ian didn't look amused one bit but it as hilarious.

Reese grabbed the hose and started spraying us.

Suddenly I stopped.

"Why are we letting Nash be naked?" I asked.

Everybody else stopped.

"That's are really good question." Ryan stated.

"Go put some clothes on." Jamie said.

Nash got out and slowly started walking towards the door.

Ryan grabbed a hot dog.

"WEINER FIGHT!" He shouted.

Nash whipped around.

"I WANNA PLAY!" He yelled.


Nash didn't listen though...



Nash has been told to stay in his room the rest of the night after the whole weiner insedent.

We are having movie night tonight.

"What are we gonna watch?" Ryan asked from the couch.

"Get off your butt and pick a movie." Reese said from the kitchen.

Ryan slowly drug himself over to the DVD cabinet.

We watched as he dug through the DVD"s. He pulled out Dipicable Me.

"YAY!" I said.

Jamie and I were cuddled up in the recliner, Mady and Ian were in the other recliner.  Reese had just walked in and Ryan had just put the movie in.

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