Chapter 68

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-I just wanna thank you all who have read this, commented, voted, and fanned me. I had a great time writing this I really truly did. I love you all for it even if your an invisible reader you don't comment vote or nothing I love you for reading this. I want to make this a bit longer but if I do updates will be slower than usual :/ your like, "it can get slower?!" Well to be honest...yes, yes it can haha okay on with this. P.s. this isn't the last chapter I know the beginning of this sounded misleading.-


We're at a restraunt. This is where I'm doing it. I can do it. I need to be confident.

I rubbed my hands together nervously. Mady was in the bathroom and I was waiting for her to come back.

"Sir do you want me to come back when your lady arrives or would you like the menu now?" The waiter asked.

"Wait till oh here she comes go pretend your not over here then come back." I said.

He left an walked away.

Mady plopped down.

"I'm hungry where's the waiter?" She asked.

As if on que the waiter came over and handed us our menus.

He walke away.

Mady reached for her menu. I was practically shaking. Okay I was.

She opened her menu and her jaw dropped.

In the menu like I had planned there was the paper that said, "Will you marry me?" The ring was tapped on it as the o in you.

Mady looked up at me.

"Eehwerkelaaatreeequeeeewweeee!" She squealed some incomprehensible words.

"Yes!" She shouted as she got up and flung her arms around me.

She kissed me o the lips.

People were staring and going, "Awww." We'll girls were guys clapped.

She put the ring on her finger and engulfed me into another bone crushing hug.


I hope Ian had a good date and his proposal went well cause when he gets home he's gonna go from happy to stab the next thin that moves.

I went to put on my bathing suit and Ryan, Reese, and Shakira were in the pool.

I left Nash alone for a minute and thirty seven seconds.

He managed to spray paint a big red and green blob on the wall in that time.

He calls it an apple. I call it his one way ticket to Ian strangling him.

The one thing that irritates me the most about Nash is how he thinks everything is a game.

I tried to take the spray paint can but he just sprayed my shirtless chest and my face green.

I then out of anger tackled him to the floor.

We wrestled around for a few second till he sprayed me hair.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed.

He got up and ran into the kitchen. I stood there freaking out about my hair until I heard beeping. The sound of the microwave door closing and the microwave turning on.

My eyes widened in horror.

Nash walked out of the kitchen.

"I'm warming it up so it burns you." He said.


I started running for the kitchen knowing it would be extremely dangerous.

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