Chapter 59

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It was around nin o'clock when things started to get wild. Ryan was drunk. Ian was being oddly imature for himself. The girls were dancing and I was sitting back and well watching.

Some of my friends from school were here and they were drunk and running around like idoits spilling beer on eachother.

I don't drink I find it pointless.I watched as people stumbled around and the crowd on the dance floor jump up and down on the light up dance floor. This was by far the best birthday party ever.

"So are you having fun?" Shakira asked as she came over to me and sat down by me.

"Yea just taking a break." I said. We sat there a few more minutes and then she smiled at me and grabbed my hand. She pulled me down the long hallway and we went into one of the dressing rooms.

She closed the door and turned around to face me and I attacked her with my lips.


The party was really starting to pick up. Almost everyone was drunk well except Jamie, Reese, Mady, Shakira, maybe Nash and I.

I looked over at the chairs that took up most of this place. I saw Ryan and Reese making out in the chairs towards the back.

I felt lonely. Suddenly Mady skipped up to me. I smiled at her. "Hey babe." I said.

"Hi." She said said happily.

"Wanna go makeout?" I asked her grinning like a five year old.

She smiled and grabbed my tie and pulled me into the hallway where we wouldn't be bugged as much.


Do NOT ask me how I got here. I honestly have no idea how...okay I do by why I did it I have no clue.

Some drunken morron found these two ropes that go all the way up to a beam. They had knots so they were climbable. He asked me to have a rope climbing contest with him so I did. It just so happens that well I won.

Now I am up at least seventy five feet in the air crawling across a beam to get to the other side where there is a balcany. The music was so loud it was shaking the beam...or the beam was shaking cause I was shaking so bad from being so high up.

I finally made it to the other side and I hopped down I walked down and when I was finally on the ground I bent down and started to kiss it suddenly liking it more.

I suddenly got an idea and stopped making out with the floor. I ran down the hallway passing a busy Ian and Mady. I ran till I found the room I was looking for.

The door said COSTUMES on it. I smiled and opened the door.

I flipped the light switch on and it was like a freaking Halloween store. They had everything and I mean everything.

I looked through all the racks till I found my favorite. It was a snowman costume. It wasn't small either it was like a mascot costume. I put it on and ran out of the room.

I ran down the hallway accasionally tripping and accidently ran straight into a wall at full speed Eventually I made it out of the hallway and into the areana and on stage.

"Hey guys." I said into the microphone. The d.j. stopped the music and evrybody turned to look at me. They looked rather annoyed.

"I am going to sing you lovlies a pretty song and I hope that you like it lots." I said as I grabbed a guitar and dropped it and then awkwardly falling over while trying to pick it up. Once I had the guitar so it wouldn't fall out of my hands and that I was up I started strumming.

"I'm afraid of clowns because they like to eat my shoes! There's a magical yellow bear riding his purple bike on my couch! I tried to tell him no but he threw a bowling ball at my face so I let him! I know I'm a snowman but I'm not that fat!!" I sang.

Suddenly everybody started yelling boo. Wow no one knows talent these days.


So I started writing these in study hall and when I get home I try and type them. I sometimes read these and start laughing in the middle of study hall then I sound like I'm constipated cause I'm trying not to fall over laughing.

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