Chapter 9

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                                                                              Chapter 9


I woke up. Jamie was snoring. I reached my hand out to see where he was. I felt him. I had no idea where I was touching him for a mintue then I realized it was his butt. I stopped hoping I didn't wake him. "Akward." I wispered. I laid there. I'm laying next to Jamie Follese in a broken elevator. I thought. Wow I can't believe this. I thought.

A few minutes later Jamie woke up. How did I know he was awake. He felt for me and accidently poked my boob. "Sorry." He said quickly after he reealize what he touched. "It's fine I was feeling where u were when I woke up and I poked your butt accidently sorry." I stated. "It-'s fine and don't be I don't mind." He said sounding flitry. "Okay." I said. as I poked his butt again. I heard him laugh. The lights flicked on really fast but they flicked back off. He looked amazing even if I only saw him a split second. I wanted to kiss him so bad.

They flicked again. I scooched closer to him. "That's creepy." I said. "Yea." He agreed. All of a sudden there was a loud noise. "Ah Jamie!" I screamed as I scooched right up to him. He put his arms around me.  The lights flickered again. "Are we...falling?" I  Asked as I started to cry. Jamie was shaking. "I think so." He said. I closed my eyes it was all over i was gonna die. Just then the elevator doors opened. I opened my eyes and looked towars the light. There stood Ian, Nash, Ryan, and Rydell.

"Dude I texted you like 75 times." Ian said. "We couldn't get you guys to reply." Rydell said. "We were worried about you two." Ryan said.  "I threw up corn dogs." Stated Nash. "Okay look the elevator broke down and we had no service." Jamie explained. "Then why are you two embracing eachother?" Nash asked. "Cause the lights flickered and we thought we were falling." I explained. The elevator lights were still out.

We got up and got out of the elevator. I still wanted to kiss Jamie. It was only seven fourty three. We were in the elevator for three hours. We went back to our room. Ian looked at me and motioned for me to come over to him. I walked over to him. "Jamie likes you." He wispered. "I can read peoples actions and faces well and when we were picking on you earlier I could tell and plus how he was holding you." He added. "You sure?" I asked. "Yea that's how I found out you like him I'm very observent." He stated. "Plus I know Jamie and he wouldn't hold just anyone like that." He added. "Thanks." I said. "Your welcome plus let me have the one person bed so you two can sleep together." He wispered. "Okay sure." I said.

Ian went over and started making food. Ryan and Rydell were cuddling on the couch. Nash was looking out the window and Jamie was laying on the other couch. I was standing there in the middle of the room. I started to daydream about Jamie again. "Hey Shakira." Ian said. "What?" I asked. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yea just daydreaming." I replied. Nash turned around and walked up to me. "Makeover." He said in a creepy voice and drug me to the bathroom.

He sat me on the toilet and got out a make up kit. "Why a makeover?" I asked. "Cause he likes acting girly!" Ryan shouted. "At least my pants are so tight that if I twitch they rip!" Nash shouted back. I laughed. Nash started to make me over. Rydell came in and watched. When he was done I looked in the mirror. "Nash I look like a clown acttacked my face." I said. Rydell started laughing. "Foods done!" Ian shouted. I went out and everybody looked at me. Jamie looked at Nash. "Why did you give her a makeover she was beautiful before?" He asked. I smiled. Ian looked at me and winked. "She looked bored and I was bored." He stated.

We got our food and sat down to eat. Ian made macerroni. It was good. I was quiet while everyone ate and talked. I can't believe Jamie said I was beautiful. I was smiling. Then I realized they were looking at me. "Hi." I said shyly. "Hello." Nash said. We all started laughing.

After I got done eating I washed the makeup off and I went and sat on the couch. Jamie came over and sat by me. Ian got Rydell, Ryan, and Nash to go to the store with him before he left he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Ian was awesome.

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