Chapter 22

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                                                                                Chapter 22


We all lost our minds in some way. It's been two days and the concerts today I don't wanna go home knowing Ian is in a coma and I don't wanna leave him without saying bye. And since Jamie and I are dating we are allowed to stay and hang with them so woo.

Nash is no longer obessed with corndogs...he is now obessed with socks. I am worried about that boy.

We are all sitting in Ians room.

"So what are we gonna do we have no bass player." Ryan said. "I play not good though." I stated. Ryan looked at me. "Will you play bass for Ian tonight?" He asked.

"I suck I would ruin you guys." I said.

"I don't care we have rehersal at seven tonight I'll show you the notes." Ryan stated.

I looked over at Nash he was being really quiet.

"Nash please tell me thats clean." I groaned as I watched Nash chew on a sock.

His eyes got wide and he growled at me. "My sock." He said like a rabid caveman.

I looked away that boy is just missing a few...alot of screws.

I saw out of the corner of my eye Rydell touch Ryan. "Hey guys we're gonna be right back." Ryan said fustrated. He pulled Rydell out of the room. I looked at Jamie and he looked at me and we laughed. Our eyes met and we sat there in a daze till we heard a crunch sound.

We looked over at Ian and saw Nash down by his feet biting his socks.

"Nash sit your ass down!" Jamie spat.

Nash hissed at Jamie and continued to chew on Ians sock.

Jamie got up.

"Nash stop." Jamie said sternly.

Nash stopped looked up at Jamie and growled and went back to chewing.

Jamie grabbed ahold of Nash and pulled him. Unfortionatly Nash grabbed ahold of Ians foot and when Jamie pulled Nash he pulled Ian out of the bed knocking down all of the machines.

Nash spit out Ians foot and grabbed Ian and stood him up so he was on his feet but all floppy. Nash decided to use him as a puppet

"Listen here Jamie Nash can chew on my foot anytime he wants now leave him alone or die." Nash said trying to sound like Ian.

"Nash put Ian in the bed." Jamie said worried.

Nash took one of Ians hands and slapped Jamie.

I got up and took Ian away from Nash. "If the docter walks in and see's you acting like he's a puppet I'm pretty sure your gonna be in trouble." I said to Nash.

"SUPER MARIO TO THE RESCUE!" Nash screamed as he kicked Jamie in the balls and shoved me down. He grabbed Ian and ran out of the room machines dragging behind him.


I was telling Rydell how I really felt about her when Nash ran by carrying Ian bridle style with machinces dragging behind him. He was being followed by seven docters.

Rydell and I stared in horror thinking the exact same thing...We both know him.

Shakira ran past us then and very slowly Jamie limped up to us with his hands over

"If Ian lives through this please guys promise me we won't tell him what Nash did." I said.

They both nodded in agreement.


They finally got Ian back after Nash had went to floor nine. I have no idea how he managed those steps with the machines dragging behind him. Poor Ian the needles in his arms were what the machines were attched to. I'm suprised they didn't fall out.

The docter is pissed. Nash isn't aloud to be around Ian till he leaves. Nash is getting checked to see if theres something wrong with him.

My little talk with Rydell worked she took it better than planned. She's up with Nash though but only cause Nash asked her to go with him so the man with beard doesn't take his socks.

That leaves Jamie, Shakira, and I here to just stare at Ian who lays here totally comatose.

I sighed. "Poor guy he was jumped on, smashed, bit, and drug throught the hospital with machines that are attched to him by needled." I said.

We cancelled the concert and reshceduled it because Nash is getting test to see if he needs mental help or not and plus Ians coma which is probably ten times worse thanks to Nash.


Rydell came with me so the scary guy with a beard and lab coat couldn't take my socks.

He made me put on a thing he called a gown. I got into a ten minute arguement with him and about how it's a dress and how I'm a man and I don't wear a dress. I even proved I'm a man to him aand he's still making me wear it.

He took me toa room and made me do a do a fifty piece puzzle I finnished it in three minutes. It suprised him and Rydell. He made me say the alphabet and shapes and colors.

Then he took me to a room. He said to draw a picture of anything I wanted. I sat there and thought and bam I had it.

I drew a picture of dinosaur eating a socko (sock taco).

He looked at it confused.

He said that he and Rydell needed to talk in his office so he could ask questions about me. They told me to stay. Do they think I'm a fucking dog?

I got up took off my dress. I saw a docter in the corner with another paitent. I decided to try out my new trick. I went over and pushed on his pressure point. He fell over and the little kid looked at me scared.

"It's a trick I learned in highschool." I stated. I took the docters clothes off and put them on and I took a black sharpie and made a fake mustach.

I started to draw a penguin on the wall.

"Can I draw on the wall too?" The kid asked.

I nodded. "Draw whatever you want little guy I have to go though cause I have to see my friend don't tell anyone what happened to that docter." I said. The kid nodded and smiled. "Bye." He said as he waved at me as I left. I waved back. "Bye." I said.

I grabbed some nurses glasses off the desk took a random clipboard and a hat. I put them on and then went into Ians room.

Ryan, Jamie, and Shakira were sitting there playing Would you Rather.

I walked over to Ian and pretended to do docter stuff.

I poked Ians face. Nothing. I poked it again. Nothing. I slapped him. Still nothing. The others stopped talking.

"Uh docter did you just slap him?" Shakira asked. "Yes." I said in a low voice. "Why?" Jamie asked.

" see if he was dead or not." I said.

Ryan got up and smacked the hat and glasses off of me.

"Suprise." I said and sarted to dance like a ballerina.


Sorry if its terrible its 3:30 a.m. and yea just yea I'm tired...

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