Chapter 48

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Shakira's been here a week and it's been crazy.

Jamie is trying to get her a job at the recording studio. Ryan has been going out with a mystery girl. Nash has been listening better and I have a girl friend. Her name is Mady. Life is good.

I was making brownies in the kitchen when i heard the front door close.

Shakira walked in she looked upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I didn't get the job." She said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

Nash walked in.

"There's my raspberry snicker poo." Nash said as he ran up and hugged Shakira.

Jamie walked in behind him.

"No she's my raspberry snicker poo!" Jamie shouted as he shoved Nash over and picked Shakira up off the chair and walked out of the kitchen.

Suddenly Nash appeared behing me.

"Hello my darling." He said in a creepy voice.

I backed away.


I walked through the front door with my girlfriend. Today's the day that I let everyone meet her.

We were greeted with an unpleasent sight.

Nash was exersizing along with some dvd he had in the dvd player. The unpleasent part was well he was in his birthday suit.

"Oh my I'm so sorry." I said to my girlfriend as I covered her eyes and led her to the kitchen.

We sat down at the table. Jamie was sitting there looking down and angry.

"This is my." I started but Jamie cut me off. "Buzz off bugsy." He spat.

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I said.

Ian walked in.

"Ryan don't talk to him he's in a time out." He said.

I started laughing. "Uh why?" I asked amused.

"Him and Nashed decided to eat all the brownie mix while I went to the bathroom." He said.

Ian had an unreasonable obession with brownies.

"Okay so anyways I want you to meet my girlfriend." I said.

Ian smiled one of those Ian smiles that lit the hole room up.

"Nice to meet you and what your name?" He asked.

"Reese." She replied.

Ian couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I KNEW YOU HAD A GIRL FRIEND!" He shouted as he started dancing.


I walked out of Jamie and I's bedroom. I heard Ian yell something.

I went into the kitchen.

"Is my boyfriend out of time out?" I asked.

"No." Ian said.

"Shakira this is my girlfriend Reese." Ryan said as he pointed to the girl next to him.

'Hi." I said.

"Hi." She replied.

"Welcome to the house of crazy nuts." I said.

She started laughing. "Oh I learned that the second I stepped through the front door." She laughed.

"You saw nash exersizing in his special exersize suit didn't you." I said.

"Unfortionatly." She said.

I laughed. "That boy is something else." I said.

Suddenly there was a crash.

"IAN!" Nash shouted.

Ian looked scared.

"Yes Nash." He said.

"I was doing the kicking exersize and I may have kicked the t.v. a little bit." He said.

Ian looked angry.

"What do you mean by that?" Ian asked.

Nash appeared in the doorway with a blanket wrapped around his waist.

"I might have you know kicked it accidentally." He said quietly while looking at his feet.

We all walked into the kitchen except Jamie who was still sitting there.

The t.v. was laying on the floor and there was a crack in it.

Ian walked into the kitchen. I heard him tell Jamie his time out was over. Jamie came out and stood next to me.

Ian walked out of the kitchen with a chair, duck tape, a rope, and a box of corndogs.

He grabbed Nash and walked over to the closet in the corner of the room. He sat the chair down in it and then he sat Nash down and  duck taped him to the chair. He tied the rope around the corndogs and tied them to a rack so they were dangling infornt of Nash.

He closed then door and locked it.

"He's in time out now." Ian said as he walked away.


Hey guys sorry if its crap I feel like crap so it's probably bad.

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