Chapter 39

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I opened my eyes they were really heavy. I could of sworn I was dead cause this girl was standing infornt of me she looked like an angel. I soon realized it was Shakira. She was petting my hair and looking at the ground crying. I put my hand on her arm.

She looked up in disbelief. J-Jamie." She said.

I tried to say hi but it was more of a grunt. "Let me go tell the docter!" She said excitedly and ran out of my room.

Fuck I was in pain what the frick happened? I tried to remember but I couldn't remember much.

The door opened and in came the angel.

She walked over and stood by my bed.

"This is my fault." She said looking at the ground.

"W-what mean?" I grunted.

"Jamie you got...hit by a car." She wisoered as she started crying.

Suddenly it came back to me.

Us in the road me telling her about how much I loved her then I heard a car horn and I pushed her out of the way.

"N-no it's not...I c-could of got out of the w-way." I said.

"I could of pulled you out of the road and talked to you somewhere else." She said.

I didn't want her thinking it was her fault. I didn't think it was I chose to sit there.

"No I ch-chose to sit there so it's my fa-fault." I said.

The docter walked in he looked tried.

"How do you feel do you remember anything?" He asked.

"Fine a little bit of pain and yea." I said.

He smiled. "Perfect I'd say your getting out of here in three days." He said.

He checked my arm and did a bunch of other docterish stuff then left.

I grabbed Shakira's hand.

"Your family and the rest of the band is here." She said.

"No they will take me back to Tennessee and I wanna be with you." I said.

"Jamie they had to know." She said.

"No I wanna be with you and they won't let me." I said.

The door opened and in walked a boy with blonde hair.

He looked like a dick head.

He walked over to her. He didn't notice I was awake. He only noticed her holding my hand.

"Thought there was nothing going on between you two." He growled.

"There's not." She said.

"Then let go of his hand." He growled again.

She tried to pull it away but I wouldn't let her.

He looked at me.

"Let go or I'll mess you up more when you get out." He snarled.

I didn't let go he can't tell me what to do.

"Jamie let go please." She said.

I shook my head no.

That's when Coner made a fist and went to hit me but something stopped him.

"You keep your motherfucking hands off him." Shakira growled as she was holding his fist back.

"I'll do what I fucking want now move before you piss me off even more." He spat.

"No I'm so sick of not being abled to be with my friends that are guys. So did Ian threaten you? Are you only sympathetic infront of him? Well guess what we all know your a dumbass fucktard!" She said.

"Yea the thing I hate the most is when people pretend to care." Someone said. I looked towards the door and there stood Ian.

He walked over to Coner.

"Listen boy you touch either one of these guys and I will lock you in a cage with Nash and a box of corndogs." Ian growled.

He dropped his fist.

"I think you need to leave." Shakira said.

"What do you mean?" He asked shocked.

"I'm just so sick of you pretending you care so Ian won't beat you down. I think we need to see other people." She said to him.

"I don't need you. Besides I think your an ugly fat bitch." He said in anger.

"Don't make me get out of this hospital bed." I growled.

"You can't and what are you gonna do huh? Trip me with all those cords?" He asked.

"Oh yes I can." I said as I started to sit up.

"JAmie no."  Shakira said. I laid back down.

"Out now." She spat in his face.

He glared at all of us and left.

About damn time.

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