Chapter 19

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                                                                               Chapter 19


The boys were alseep. Shakira and I were the only ones awake so we were making parodys to songs.

"I have on for 'Sexy and I Know it'." Shakira said. She started.

Yea yea yea I walk into the dough nut shop I like to eat sprinkles frosting my candy treats I have fat rolls my weights just outta control I don't walk I roll Girl look at my flabby Girl look at my flabby Girl look at my flabby buuuuut Girl look at my flabby Girl look at my flabby Girl look at my flabby buuuuut When I walk in the shop this is what I see the whole damn bakery is staring at me they know I'm gonna eat every little thing thing thing I jiggle and I know it." She sang.

I laughed really loud I'm suprised none of the boys woke up.

It was silent for a few minutes then I looked over at Shakira she was staring at the wall. I kissed her cheek and she emidietly snapped out of it and looked at me shocked. "Hi." I said shyly. She smiled. I quickly kissed her again.


Jamie's laugh woke me up. I peeked at him to see what he was doing. He was staring at Shakira and Shakira was staring at a wall. Next thing I saw was him kiss her cheek. What the fuzzy dice! I thought.

I continued to watch I felt like a major creeper.  They were making out and finally I said, "Get a room."

Jamie repliedin between kisses, "We a leave."

I heard Shakira laugh.

"I can't leave." I stated.

"Tough shit man go back to sleep." He said.

"I can't when you two are practically swallowing eachother." I said a little to loud. I woke up Captian corndog.

He glared at me and then he glanced over at shakira and Jamie who were still making out compeletly unaware of Nash being up. He looked back at me and then his I poped out as he realized what was going on and looked at them again.


Shakira and Jamie jumped and stopped kissing like nothing happened and then Ian and Rydell woke up.

Everyone continued to stare at Nash while he continued shouting. "SUPER MAN COME SAVE PRINCESS CORNDOG PLEASE!" He got up and ran over to the buttons on the walk he started wacking his head on it.

"Nash stop!" Ian shouted as he pulled Nash away from the buttons. "I'M NOT NASH I'M PRINCESS CORNDOG!" Ian rolled his eyes.

We better get out of here soon.


So I just realized something odd...I never use the shift key on the right side of the keyboard lolz weird cuz I litterally will strech my finger from the one on the left to the letter weird I'd like to thank u for reading this story it makes me smile like this :D

Beautiful Freakजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें