Chapter 11

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                                                                           Chapter 11


Oh my gosh this girl better get her hand out of my pants. I thought.

I'm sick of it it's disgusting everybody probably thinks I like it. I decided I was gonna find out Ian's little secert. "Ian can I speak with you...alone." I said as I walked out the door. Ian followed.

I closed the door. "Okay what the secert tell me." I demanded. "What secert?" Ian asked confused.

"What the fuck is going on with Jamie and Shakira?" I spat. Ian gave me a are you fucking serious look.

"They were tired so they decided nap time." Ian explained. "You want me to think they're sleeping!" I practically yelled. "Is the yelling nessecary?" Ian asked sounding a little pissed off and really annoyed. "Yea cause I had to stand there by a girl who stuck her hand in my pants." I spat.

"Oh my gosh that has nothing to do with Shakira and Jamie." Ian said annoyed and he walked back into the room and closed the door so I was locked out.


I closed the door so Ryan couldn't get in I texted Jamie to pretend to sleep cause Ryan's on to them.

I opened the door then Ryan gave me the fuck you look and went into the bedrooms.

I hope Jamie got my text in time...I thought.


Jamie got a text from Ian saying, Pretend to sleep Ryan's onto you and he's gonna go in there.

Quickly we crawled to the top of the bed and got under the covers. We both pretended to sleep just then the door opened.

It's Ryan great hopefully he can't pick out fake sleeping that well. I thought.

"You guys awake?" Ryan asked. No reply. He went and laid down on the bed next to us. I heard him sigh.

I felt Jamie's hand grab mine. I opened my eyes and looked at him I couldn't see him well cause it was dark but he was smiling.

Sorry it's short haha it's really late it's... let me go check...3:50 a.m. haha wow I need sleep but anyways thank you for reading :) Nights

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