Chapter 26

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                                                                              Chapter 26


Everybody seems to be having a bad day we were late to our concert because of a traffic jam. I broke my lucky drumstick. Ian tripped on stage. Ryan fell down the stairs and Nash...he woke up on the wrong side of the bed today for sure. He also broke a guitar string on stage. I brought Shakira to the meet and greet and some fans came up and smacked her. So yea it's just been wounderful.

"Nash please today has been crappy just come out here and apologize." I said at the closed bathroom door. Nash and Ryan were arguing about something and Nash told Ryan that he looks like a girl in his skinny jeans. Now Ryan is rolling around on the floor crying like a baby.

Ian is out getting food and Shakira is the bedroom area on the phone with Rydell.

"No I am not apologizing to that girl wanna be." Nash said.

Ian walked in the door looking rather beaten up.

"I just got mugged!" He shouted.

Then Shakira walked out of the room. "Well I have one less friend." She said.

I busted the bathroom door down and grabbed Nash by the hair and drug him over to my brother who was acting like a big baby.

"Ow your hurting me stop pulling!" Nash shouted.

"Apologize or I will pull more." I growled.

He hestitated for a minute. I pulled really hard.

"I'msosorryRyanreallyreallysorrypleaseforgivemeIhopeyouforgivemeI'mrellysorry!" He shouted really fast.

I let go of his head.

"What were you two saying?" I asked Shakira and Ian.

"I got mugged." Ian said. "Rydell's not my friend anymore." Just then Nash stepped on Ryans hand and Ryan screamed really loud.

"WE ARE GOING TO BED NOW!" I shouted. It was only nine twenty seven but I am sick of this bad day.

We all climbed into our beds. Nashes bed was on the left across from ours. Ryans was above Nashes. We were on the right side. Ian was above us.

We crawled into bed and Ian jumped into his. I creaked alot.

Suddenly there was a snapping noise and Shakira and I got smashed by a matteress and Ian.

Nash was laughing uncontrolablely. We tried to push it off but it was suprisingly heavy. Ian and Ryan had to help.

"UGH THIS DAY IS BALLS!" Ian screamed as he walked out of the room with the matteress. He laid it down in the living room area.

"Next time I get you up you make the macceroni!" Nash shouted.

Suddenly Ian reappeared. "So you did that!" Ian shouted. "Yea it was a win win for me cause you wouldn't make the macceroni and those two were telling me how to do stuff." Nash said.

I had to hold Ian back before he strangled Nash.

"Ian sleep." I said calmy.

"Oh yea sleep I hope my bed wasn't sabatashed so it breaks." Ian shouted as he stormed out of the room.

I cuddled up to Shakira.

Tomorrow better be better.

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