Chapter 69

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~Lolz...sorry for my immaturity...CARRY ON! PRETEND THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN!~


Ian is willing to overlook what Nash did yesterday that is if Nash packs all his bags with out help and if he packs the bathroom stuff also.

So far Nash is in his room crashing around. Ian said to leave him alone because that's what he does when he packs.

Ryan and I have our stuff ready we're packing the kitchen now.

"Take anything without green paint." Ian said as he walked in with more boxes.

"We know that captain obvious." I said.

"The moving truck will be here in three hours so get a move on." Ian demanded.

He walked into the Living room where Jamie and Shakira were packing and we heard him shout an order to them.

"You know what I don't get?" Ryan asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Why we bought a nine hundred dollar pool a week ago and now we're moving." He pointed out.

"Yea what the fucks with that?" She asked.

"Exactly what I'm wondering. Maybe the new house will have a pool." Ryan said.

Ian didn't give us any details about the house other than it's in the country.

Mady walked in.

"Oh my gosh I'm gonna strangle him." She said.

"Why?" Ryan and I asked at the same time.

"Because he's annoying when he thinks he's in charge." She said.

"Mady come help Jamie and Shakira!" Ian called.

"I have been summoned." She said as she left.

Ryan and I laughed.


Ian told me to pack. He gave me a bunch of boxes and left.

I started to get everything out and throw it on my floor.

Once I had all my clothes out of my drawers. I went to me close and threw my acoustic guitar into the pile. My corn dog costume. My sock costume. Once my closet was clean I grabbed a box and started shoving clothes in it.

Once I had all my posters, clothes, nerf gun bullets, sheets, and music stuff packed I sat the stuff on my bed.

I headed to the bathroom.

I grabbed a box held it up against the counter and just pushed everything off the counter into it. Then I threw the stuff in the drawers in the same box. Then I got a new box and put all our hair stuff and towels in it.

Before I knew it everything was packed.

I started feeling very very bored so I did what anyone else would.

I pulled out some hair spray, a brush. and the girl's make up bag.

I used all the hairspary to try and make something that resembled a mohawk on my head.  I then put what I think was called mascara in my eyebrows so they looked manly. I then use a pencil thing or eyeliner to draw a mustach. I put on some very red lipstick and I was done.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

"I look fancy." I whispered.

I ran to ,y room and I dug through my clothes box till I found what I needed my fancy suit.

I quickly changed my clothes and ran into the living room where everyone was working.

Mady glanced at me but then did a double take.

"Nash what did you do to your face?" She asked me.

Everyone was now staring and holding laughter back.

"I made it fancier." I said trying to sound sophisticated.


For the next hour and a half we just ignored Nash and his pointless rambling about how he had a dream about Harry Styles and him eating pancakes.


I looked out the window and saw the moving trucks.

'Everybody grab some boxes and lets go!" I shouted.

The workers carried our heavy stuff like couch, table, beds, etc.

After about an hour of nonstop packing we were ready to go.

Nash cried as we got in the car.

"I've had so many memeroies from this house I don't wanna leave it forever!" He cried.

I just smiled.

"You will love the new one more trust me wait till you see it." I said confidantly.

Then our fourty five minute drive began.

Nash and Mady fell asleep.

Reese, Ryan, Jamie, and Shakira took the other car cause we had boxes packed in ours.

As we neared the house I started getting nervous.

Then I saw it. 

I woke Mady and Nash up so they could see it from a distance.

"Ian how did you afford that?" Mady gasped.

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