Chapter 18

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                                                                                Chapter 18

Hot Chelle Rae song of the day-I Like to Dance



Okay being stuck in an elevator is boring but when you have no service and there's no way to get out it's a horror movie. What the hell is Nash doing?

Nash was in his corndog costume again and he was dancing. "Nash...why are you dancing?" I asked suddenly feeling like I shouldn't of. He keep dancing and said, "I am dancing to the song in my head." I nodded. I looked over at Ryan, Rydell, Shakira, and Jamie. Jamie and Shakira made such a cute couple. I noticed how uncomfortable Ryan looked. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sqwaaak!" We all jumped at the sudden screeching and looked over at Nash who had made the deafening noise. "What?" He asked. "Why did you screech?" Shakira asked. "Because I'm part bird...I'm a cornbirog." Nash explained. "Nash your one of a kind." Jamie stated.

We laughed but Nash looked offended. "Are you calling me fat?" He gasped sounding like a girl. "No Nash I'm not calling you fat if I was calling you fat I would have said, Nash you are fat." Jamie explained.

Nash burst out crying. "Yes I know this costume makes me look fat Jamie! Ian Jamie called me fat!" Nash cried. "I did not!" Jamie said. "You said, Nash you are fat." Nash cried again. I stood there. "Ian do something." Nash shouted in tears. "Nash he didn't call you fat." I explained.

"Ian why don't you believe me?" He cried. I was about to pull my hair out. "Ryan Jamie called." Ryan cut him off. "Nash you are very very skinny that costume makes you look like a super model." Ryan said annoyed. "Thank you Ryan but I wanna hear that from Jamie." Nash said as he turned to glare at Jamie.

"Nash I'm so very sorry I called you fat you are really skinny." He said angirly. "I love you Jamie bear!" He shouted as he ran over to Jamie and sat on his lap. Jamie made a face that toldd me Nash weighs way more than he looks. I laughed.


We have been in this elevator for at least two hours and Nash fell asleep on our legs so we can't move. I looked at Ian who was asleep in the other corner of the elevator and his head was tilted back and his mouth was open and he was snoring. He seems to be the one who takes care of these four when they are out. Poor Ian Nash can be a pain, Ryan will take off if he see's a hot girl, and Jamie rarly speaks to people he doesn't know.

Rydell was saying something to Ryan but I didn't here it I was to lost in my own thoughts and shocked that I was really with these guys. I can't believe it and that Jamie and I like eachother it's just wow. After a little bit longer everyone else is a sleep. At least that's what I thought till I heard a voice.

"You are, you are the proof that love is beautiful You are, you are the truth something unusual You are, you are my fire you're burning like the sun You are, you are, you are you are the only one." Jamie wisper sang in my ear. I jumped at the sound of his voice. It was amazing.

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