Chapter 61

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This is definately real. I love her so much. I'm not one to ignore a feeling so strong. I have to tell her I just don't know how to...what if she doesn't like me that way back? What if she thinks I'm lying or thinks I'm taking it too fast? I need to stop thinking like this of course she likes me like that...right? Oh my gosh I'm so stubborn.


Every mornings a good morning till I have to wake up and find out what Nash is doing.

That boy is so...dingy.

I slowly crawled out of my bed leaving the comfortable warm ness behind.

I walked into to the kitchen to see none other than the dimwit Nash. He was...drawing?

"Nash what are you doing?" I asked as I cautiously approached the table.

"I am drawing a picture." He said.

I nodded and turned and faced the fridge. There was a huge stick figure and a bunch of scribbles. It looked like it was done in Sharpie.

I turned to Nash or where he was once sitting. Smart boy he was...I looked over and saw him carelessly drawing on the wall.


He turned to face me. "I'm obviously being an artist." He sassed.

"Don't sass me Overstreet!"


"Nash...that's your last name..." I said.

I'm staying in bed forever tomorrow.

"Just shut up and make me food Keaggers." He spat.

Screw it I'm going back to bed now.

I walked out leaving him with a Sharpie.


We walked up to the house. There is always something awkward happening.

I knocked on the door and I was greeted by Nash.

He changed a lot since last night. By that I mean he had a black Sharpie mustach and he color a tooth black too. You can't miss the unibrow he created either it's just there like BAM!

Mady and I walked in looking for our boyfriends who hopefully aren't all Sharpied up like this boy.


Something is bothering Jamie. He's all tense.

He's pretending to sleep and I can tell somethings up.

I hope he's not mad about the party last night I hope he liked it.

I finally decided to get up.

I slowly crawled out of the bed and left.

Nash was drawing on the table. I didn't say anything to him because I didn't feel like getting into a fight with him. Thats Ian's job.

I saw a note on the counter.

We went out to eat with the girls have fun with the 'artist' and make sure YOU make the food not Nash otherwise we won't have a house. I don't know when we will be back so see ya later -Ian-

p.s. Nash is extra daft today so have fun :)

Damn it Ian leave Jamie and I with Nash.

"Shakira make me some freaking food I hungry." He demaned.

I looked at him I thought about saying no but remember the note and the last time Nash cooked. He was making bagels and he obviously had no clue how to make them. He wanted his warm cause it was too cold and he put it in the fireplace. Then procceed to to reach into the fire to get it.

I sighed in defeat and pulled out a box of twenty five corn dos. I put seven on a tray and put them in the oven. They were done in ten minutes. I sat them down infornt of Nash and he smiled like an idiot.

"How did you know I liked corn dogs?" He grinned.

I rolled my eyes did he seriously just ask me that I mean he only obsesses over those things all day.

I worry about Nash.


This is probably not the greatest I was pretty much half asleep while writing this.

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