Chapter 55

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So the boy knew how much Mady, Shakira, and I love One Direction so they suprised us with front row seats to their concert. Not only front row seat but backstage passes too.

Ryan is literally the best thing that has happened to me ever.

We pulled into the already packed parking lot for the One Direction concert. "WE'RE HERE!" Mady shouted as she nearly ripped the door off of the car to get out.

The line was long but lucky us having famous boyfriends we got in ahead of everyone.

We took our seats in the empty stadium. "Thank you so much." I thanked Ryan with a huge smile on my face. He smiled at me. "Anything for the girl I love." He said as he grabbed my hand. I couldn't stop smiling it was impossible.

Suddenly a blonde haired boy walked out on stage. I did everything I could to not jump up and and run up the stage and attack him with a hug. Mady looked the same way. Shakira was just sitting there saying something to Jamie.

"Ello." Niall said to us as he climbed down off the stage and walked over to us. I was shaking from trying not to explode. Mady was about to cry. "Hi." We all said in unison and we all busted out laughing even Niall.

He looked at Ryan. "I know you...your from...Hot Chelle Rae." He said. Ryan nodded.

"Mate's come ere!" He shouted. Suddenly four other head appeared from the side of the stage and they jumped down and all said ello in unision like us. We laughed again.

"Oh my you are the Hot Chelle Rae lads aren't yeh?" Zayn asked looking like he was about to fangirl.

Harry checked us three girls out and Louis caught him in the middle of it and slapped him on the chest, and Harry jumped realizing he had been caught. He gave Louis a, "leave me alone I'll check out who I want to." Stare. Louis just shook his head.

We talked to the boys for about ten minutes then they got called backstage. The craziest thing is they got a picture with us. Yep Hot Chelle Rae and their girlfriends and we got a picture with them.

One Hour Later

The concert was halfway over and so far Ryan and I have slowed danced and wehn we weren't slow dancing I was singing every word to every song. So was Mady. Ian and her were dancing like crazies.

Jamie and Shakira were being oddly quiet the were just swaying back and fourth and not really looking at eachother weird.

And Nashy well he was...where was he? He was on the other side of Ian and Mady. I looked around.

"Everything okay?" Ryan shouted so I could her him over the screeching fangirls. "Where's Nash?" I asked. His smile faded. He looked around. Suddenly there was a comotion.

I looked up on stage and Nash had a microphone and he was singing with the boy's/ He had taken Louis microphone. Security and and Louis were chasing him all around the stage. Finally he tripped and Louis tackled him along with to beefy security guards. That boy needs a leash.

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