Chapter 63

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So after we ordered our food we sat there trying to be as good as possible. Nash wasn't he was getting antsy. "Jamie when do you think my foot long corn dog will be done?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. The waiter seemed a little annoyed at Nash when he tried to order a Mcdouble with a side of large curly fries. Then he told Nash that they have real food here not fake food. Nash then asked I they had corn dogs and Jayden, our waiter rolled his eyes and sighed impatiently. "Sir do you mean the foot long corndog?" I swear Nash about exploded with happiness. "YOU CAN GET THEM IN BIGGER SIZES!" He screamed. The waiter then proceeded to write down Nashes order and walk away fast to get away from us.

"When we get home can we go to Walmart and by foot long corn dogs?" Nash asked Shakira.

She looked at me as if needing approval.

"Why don't you ask Ian." She suggested seeing that I did NOT want to deal with Nash in Walmart.


"Nash shh do you want that waiter to come back and nag us about being loud?" I asked.

"Too late." Shakira said as I spotted Jayden strutting his way over to our table.

"Excuse me sir but, how many time will I have to tell you to hush up?" He asked.

"Well how many times have you told me already?" Nash asked.

"About seven." Jayden said.

Nash looked like he was concentrating on something then said, "Okay only two hundred and seventy three more times." Nash said.

Jayden rolled his eyes again. "You are intolerable." He said.

His comment pissed me off. He had no right to call Nash intolerable.

"Listen here Jayden, you have no idea who Nash is and you most certainly do not have the right to call him that." I growled.

"He is the worst behaved customer I have ever had to endure." Just then Nash burped and busted out laughing. "I sounded like an elephant." He laughed.

"See no excuse me just a stupid laugh. He obviously needs to be taught how to act." Jayden snobbed.

"You need to be taught how to act too. Your going around acting like your better than everybody just cause you dress more formal. Telling people how they're supposed to act." I said or more like shouted.

I then stood up and stomped out.

That guy really was getting on my nerves with his judgemental personality. 

I sat down in the curb and closed my eyes. I've been out of it all day.  

"You okay?" Shakira asked pushing my thoughts aside.  

"Uh yea I'm not." I said. She looked at me and nodded.  

"I could tell. So what's on your mind?" She asked.  

"Do you think know have a future togehter?" I asked her. 

She looked taken back by that question maybe we didn't have a future together. "Uh...honestly I hope we do. I love you and I hope we can...I'm sorry I hope I didn't scare you." She apologized.  

"No no no no no don't apologize cause I feel the same way I think your the one. I bet I sound silly but I do believe our love is ment to be." I said with my eyes closed.  

"I know it's meant to be...otherwise you wouldn't have walked those miles to get me back." She said. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was smiling the biggest smile ever.  

"I'm glad I did that." I said. She nodded in agreement and kissed me 

Later that evening  


Who knew they made foot long corn dogs. Not this guy. First Nash ordered one at that restraunt then he begged me to take him to Walmart to get some, so I did. He has not stopped telling me he loves me since. About every ten minutes he sends me a text saying, "I love you Ian." He's also being good maybe I should buy him foot longs more often.

Where is that corndog fanatic anyways?


Shakira and I decided to go to bed.

I can't believe I worked up the nerve to tell her that and she actually feels the same way.

I am so happy I could kiss her...oh wait I am.

We've been doing that nonstop since we got in here.

Between kisses I kept telling her I loved her.

She would laugh and say I know I love you too.

Just then there was a cough.

We froze.

"You heard that too right?" She whispered.

"Yea." I whispered

I reached over and turned on the lamp on the night stand next to the bed.

I looked around the room. I stopped when I saw Nash sitting in the chair by the door.

He had a foot long corn dog and a pair of night vision goggles and a box of tissues next to him.

"It's so beautiful." He sobbed as he grabbed a kleenax and whiped his eyes.

"Nash you creeper leave!" I shouted.

"Oh no the drama has just begun...I wounder what will happen next?" Nash said.

"Your going to get the fuck out is what's going to happen." Shakira said.

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