Chapter 44

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"Alright night guys." She said as she closed the door. I had gone to bed about a half and hour ago but I didn't fall asleep.

I felt the bed sink down so I started to pretend to sleep. I felt Shakira scoot closer to me and put her arm around me. For the first time in three years. It made me so happy.

I rolled over to face her.

"Good morning." I said to her. I couldn't she her but I imagined her smiling.

"Morning." She laughed quietly.

"I missed you." I said.

"When?" She asked sounding confused.

"While you were out there." I replied.

Suddenly we heard it start to rain. There was a distant rumble of thunder.

I heard her hold her breath. I did too. See the funny thing is I'm scared of storms. Yea it's rediculous I know.

"Is it okay if I start shaking and crying uncontrolably?" She asked.

"No why?" I asked as it thundered again this time a bit louder.

"Cause I'm terified of storms." She said.

"Haha wanna know something" I said nervously hoping she wouldn't laugh.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm afraid of storms too." I said quietly.

She was quiet for a moment as it thundered again.

"Great now we both can shake and cry uncontrolably together." She said. I smiled.

Just then lightning lit up the room. She was looking at me with her brown eyes. Then it thundered really loud and I felt her practically jump over towards me. I wrapped my arms around her. It started raining even harder. I felt her put her arms around me.

"I bet we look pathetic." She said.

"At least we look pathetic together." I said.

"Yea." She wispered as she cuddled even closer to me.

I decided to get our minds off the storm.

"So what have you been doing for those three years?" I asked.

"Well to be honest nothing...I tried to get a job at a reccord company after college thats why we moved here  and I didn't get one so I just got a job at the restraunt. I met Coner at the restruant one night and well yea. He was very over protective and wanted to know what I was doing every second." She answered.

"I did nothing too haha...well out of the ordinary I went on tour and I met that freak Jessie and Trent liked her so he didn't want us to break up and she was insane and possive. She was always trying to control my life and I just well was with her to take my mind off you and didn't work at all. I realized then how much I needed you. That's where the song 'Honestly' came from." I explained.

"Man we both had crazy exes." She laughed. "Yea but she helped me realize that I needed you." I wispered.

"I realized the second I left that concert that day I needed you." She wispered back.

"Why didn't you believe that was Trent who did that that day?" I asked.

"Um I don't know it just looked all to real and I figured you loving me was to good to be true well when I walked in I was just...crush that I was right." She said.

"Shakira nobody will ever come between us we are meant for eachother I know we were apart for three years but now that we are together again I fell like we weren't apart that long." I said.

"Jamie I love you." She wispered as she kissed my neck.

"I love you too." I said as I kissed her head. It thundered we didn't notice though we were to busy listening to eachother breathing as we slowly fell asleep sitting up and cuddled up.

Beautiful FreakTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang