Chapter 53

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Reese, Shakira, and I were having a pillow fight while the guys were at the studio. I hit Reese and Shakira. I was winning. I was going to swing my pillow when something flew out of it.

"What the cheese is that? Reese asked.

It was a fuzzy pink book that said Ian on it. I stepped closer and saw it had a lock.

"Is that a diary?" Shakira asked.

"I think so." I said.

We all started smiling deviously.

"I'll pick the lock!" Reese shouted as she went to get something to pick it with.

After several attempts Reese got it open.

I started reading the first page out loud.

"Dear Diary my name is Ian Keaggy. I like to cook and I play bass for Hot Chelle Rae. I'm also pretty much a baby sitter for the entire band but mainly Nash. Don't even get me started on him. " I read.

157 pages later

I never knew this much about Ian none of us did. It's kind of creepy actually cause well we found out that he doesn't like wearing matching socks, when no one is home he rocks out to Miley Cyrus, and the biggeist shocker also when no ones home he puts on dresses and dances aound;

We weren't finished yet but the boys got back.

I hid Ian's diary under the couch.

"Hey babe." I said to him.

"Hi baby." He said back.

"Can you guys wait for tomorrow?" Ryan asked estatically.

Tomorrow was Halloween.

"I"M SO EXCITED!" I shouted.

"ME TOO!" Nash said in a girly voice as he jumped up; and down and clapped.

"So what are you guys gonna be?" Reese asked.

"A pirate." Ryan said.

" astrounaut." Ian said. "

"Lolipop!" I shouted.

"I'm gonna be Jamie." Shakira said.

"I'm gonna be Shakira." Jamie said.

"I'm gonna be a burrito." Reese said.

We all looked at Nash.

He grinned. "I am going to be a princess corndog sock." Nash said happily.

We all looked at him.

That boy worries me so much .

The next day a.k.a Halloween


This wig itches so bad and this shirt is kinda tight and the pants don't even get me started on those they are roomy enough.

I was dressed as Shakira and she was dressed as me. Ian was an astronaut and Ryan was a pirate. Reese was a burrito and Mady was a lolipop.

Nash he looked like an idiot. He had socks on his hands and corndogs taped to him. He had a long blonde wig on and a pink sparkley dress. He also had a star wand and some fuzzy book.

"Nash what is that book?" I asked.

He shrugged his shouloders. "I found it under the's my magic book Shakira." He said to me.

"Huh?" Shakira asked looking at him.

"No Jamie I was talking to Shakira." He said to Shakira.

"No I'm Jamie." I stated.

He looked at me.

"I CAN FIX THIS!" He shouted scaring us all as he whipped the pink book open.

Ian's eyes got wide in horror when he saw what Nash had.

"There was one time when I peed my pants on stage. You couldn't tell though cause I was wearing black pants." Nash read from the book.

Suddenly Ian ripped it out of his hand and chucked it into the bushes.

We all stared at him.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Cause it wan't his." He said.

I then realized it was Ian's diary.

I looked to where the magical corndog was standing and he was gone.

Suddenly I hear kids crying.

I looked to my left and there was Nash running away with five bags of candy in his hands.

Oh shit.

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