Chapter 36

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Okay honestly how the fuck am I doing this? I mean I know just keep walking West and soon you'll be in California but how? I figured it would be harder I figured I would be lost or give up by now but no I have't.

This morning I woke up in Henryetta Oklahoma and now I'm in Amarillo Texas. I have no idea how I've been going so far probably because the only breaks I take are bathroom and when I sleep. I walk form six a.m to ten p.m. then I call it a day.

The boys are still blowing up my phone I wish they would stop cause it's annoying and I don't care if they could have flown me here. I could of rented a car but no walking did not seem bad if it got me to her I'd do it.

I went to my hotel room and plopped on the bed I set the alarm on my ipod touch. I closed my eyes and fell asleep fast.


He left yester day morning. He can't be out of Tennesse yet...well he can just not to far. I looked up somewhere that she live's in Orange California and now Nash thinks she lives in a real orange so he will grab every orange he see's and shakes it and yells, "Shakira come out!"

Ryan is afraid Jamie is dead. I see what he means we haven't heard form him in since that note. It would be nice to get a call from him pretty soon.

"How far do you think he is?" Ryan asked.

"Um I have no idea alomst in Oklahoma." I said.

"No way I know Jamie he probably takes a break every five minutes." He said.

I laughed. "Yea probably." I said.

"SHAKIRA COME OUT ALREADY!"  Nash shouted as he threw an orange on the floor.

I hope Jamie is okay.


Coner and I went out to eat today and he told me  that I was the best thing that ever happened to him. I can't stop smiling.

He is amazing the best boyfriend ever.

I can definatly see us being together forever.

As soon as I got home I I screamed like a two year old.

I loved this boy way to much.

"Why so happy?" Rydell asked as she sat down next to me.

"Coner said I was the most amazing thing that happened to him." I said.

"Aw." She said.

Just then MIley walked in with her boyfriend David.

"Hey girls David's staying the night so don't come in my room." She said as she pulled David by his tie right past us and to her room .

"Something tells me someones getting some." Rydell laughed.

I laughed too.

"Let's go to the basement so we can't hear them that well." I said

We got up and went down stairs.

Tonight is gonna be a long night.


I woke up at four a.m. and I felt ready to go so I got my backpack and shoes on and checked out and left.

It was dark but I didn't care it would be light soon it was July.

I started my long walk and what felt like a never ending journey but I knew that when I was done I would be happy...I hope.

This actually gives me alot of time to think about stuff and how it could be. How it would be if Trent wasn't  a super  asshole. I thought of what to say to her maybe something like, "Shakira I know that you may never believe me but Trent set that up I didn't do it I didn't kiss her back. Please take me back I love you so much just please."

Or, "Hey babe long time no see. I walked like 2,000 miles just to see you now let's get back together." I have decided that I would say what I do when I get there.

I'm not expecting her to be's possible she is but also isn't something is like she might be but you know that feeling you get where you don't wanna believe something so you still have hope and even thought when you find out you were right your upset. I hate that I hope that's not how it goes here or I'll be crushed.

Another good thing about this walk is that it made me realize she's the only one I want. I admit it I want to be with her I need to be with her she is my everything. I am in love with her still after three years and we haven'tvspoken to eachother or seen eachother once. I'm 100% sure my love for her is true.


We are in the car driving around looking for Jamie. He couldn't of gotten to far or been serious right?

"I'm on a boat and, it's goin fast and I got a nautical themed pashmina afghan." Nash sang.

"Oh no not 'I'm on a Boat.'" I said.

We always have to sing this when we get in the car Nash started this last week .

"Fuck land, I'm on a boat, motherfucker Fuck trees, I climb buoys, motherfucker I'm on the deck with my boys, motherfucker." Nash sang

"Nash your not on a boat." Ian said fustratedly.

Then Nash stood up out of the sun roof and screams at the top of his lungs, "I'm on a boat  I'm on a boat  Everybody look at me cause I'm sailin on a  boat I'm on a boat  I'm on a boat Take a good hard look at the motherfuckin boat!" People gave him weird looks...I would too.


Hey guys gosh I'm tired and it's only 1:35 a.m. 

Dang I'm getting old

Sorry about the 'I'm on a Boat' song it's stuck in my head haha anyways thank you for reading love you :)

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