Chapter 32

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Jessie is on the side.


It's been three years today.

I crawled out of bed. We were actually home for once. We are done with tour for awhile.

I sighed I missed her so much.

I wish she would have listened. I didn't kiss that girl she kissed me. Trent set her up to do this he made sure she was coming and he hid in the closet. Then the girl started kissing me.

I didn't kiss her back either. I just wish I could tell Shakira that.

I know that I have a girlfriend but she's just there to get rid of my feelings for Shakira.

It's not working too. I still feel the same way as I did three years ago.

Of cousre she'll never know that.

Then my door bust open and there was Jessie.

"Jamieboo!" She shouted as she tackled me to the bed and kissed me.

I sighed.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

She continued to kiss me.

"Okay babe I know somethings up." She said as she pulled away.

"No I'm." She cut me off.

"Jamie Follese I know something is wrong don't you dare tell me a lie." She spat.

"Don't talk to me like that." I said calmly.

She glared at me. "Tell me what's wrong." She growled.

I shoved her off me. "Uh no it's none of your bussiness." I said annoyed.

She grabbed my shirt. "Tell me basterd!" She shouted in my face.

Just then Ryan walked in. "Hey I heard shouting I'm making sure you two aren't having..." He stopped when he looked up.

"Let go of my brother." He said sharply.

She let go of my shirt.

"Don't you ever yell at him again." Ryan spat.

She got up and walked over to Ryan.

"Shut your mouth bucko I'll do whatever the fuck I want." She said getting in his face.

Jessie loved picking fights with anything and anyone.

Nash and her got in a corndog sword fight the other day.

Yes Nash is in love with those fuckers again he eat's like three boxes a day.

Ryan shoved her down.

"You are a stupid bitch you have no right to have someone as amazing as my brother you have no idea what you have bitch!" He shouted.

She got up and punched him in the face.

"Screw off twat!" She screamed.


I opened my eyes. Oh how I wished that I could of slept through today.

I got up. Time to do what I do every year on this day.

I grabbed the razor blade out of my nightstand door.

I know this is wrong but it just makes the day eaiser.

I walked into my bathroom and locked the door.

Rydell and Miley could never know.

I took the razor and made a few cuts across my wrist.

Not too deep or noticable.

I sat there and watched it bleed. One of the Hot Chelle Rae songs came to my mind.

It was 'Bleed.'

I sighed I didn't wanna think of them.

I got up and washed the cuts off.

I put a rag on it and held it there with alot of pressure till it stopped.

I put on a bunch of braclets so no one could see.

I walked out of the bathroom today's gonna be a long day.

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