Chapter 23

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                                                                         Chapter 23


Two weeks it's been two weeks and nothing Ian hasn't twitched or anything. Ryan is freaking out and I seem to be the only one who hasn't lost my mind completely.

The docters decided to let Nash visit Ian as long as he was on a leash and a docter was with him. Unfortionatly Nash ate three pairs of socks that day and he threw up all over Ian and the docters won't let Nash vist ever again. Rydell had a melt down yesterday because Ryan said Ian was gonna die.

Shakira she just has been out of it she can't stay focused. She hasn't slept much at all and to tell you the truth none of us had. Well Nash has.

We just hope Ian wakes up because Nash is being extra bad and he's just taking advantage of no Ian I think.

I have no idea what to do AHHHHH! Oh my gosh I'm losing my mind too.



I could hear voices it sounded like arguing.

"Your not supposed to be in here!" I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

"I can visit him if I want bucko!" A familiar voice spat.

I tried to open my eyes but I failled.

I tried again and amazingly succeed.

It was kind of blurry but I could tell the person who they were trying to get out was Nash.

I coughed and every head in that room snapped towards me.

"Leave him alone he can stay." I wispered.

Everything was clear now they were all standing around my bed now.

"You have no idea what has happened while you were out." The docter said.

"How long was I out first?" I asked.

"Two weeks." The docter said.

Wow it only felt like an hour.

"So what happened to me then that's keeping Nash from being in here?" I asked annoyed.

"Well let's just say you have been jumped on, smashed, bit, drug around the hospital, smacked, and barfed on." Ryan said.

I glared at Nash. "You jumped on me!" I wisper shouted.

"Yes it was great fun!" Nash said.

"Oh and I forgot to add that Jamie also went to make Nash stop biting your foot and he grabbed ahold of your foot when Jamie tried to get him to stop and pulled you out of the bed." Ryan added. "Oh and then he used you as a puppet ." Shakira added.

"So you guys didn't try to stop him?" I asked annoyed.

"We did it's just that boy is so hard to control." Rydell stated.

She was right Nash had the attention span of a flea.

"I'm suprised I'm not dead." I stated.

"We are too after Nash drug you throught the hospital with the machines dragging behind you guys I was sure you weren't gonna make it." Ryan replied.


3 Days Later


I am so happy Ian woke up now we don't have to take care of Nash anymore.

We got back to the hotel which I'm pretty sure their manager is paying for now at like ten p.m. we were all in bed or at least we think that. Mr.Overstreet went to Costumes R Us at three thirty in the morning. How do we know? Well he wasn't very quiet. He opened the front door and screamed, "I'M A FRIGGEN SOCK!" He woke us all up and he was wearing a sock costume.

What the fuck I mean seriously that must be some crazy costume place if they have a sock costume.

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