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5 years later


It's been awhile since I've seen you. How are you? You won't believe how much you've missed I'll sum it up for you.

We're all happily married now even Nash. He's straightened up a bit too. Elizabeth played a big part in that. It's good he straightened up we don't want him to be a bad influence on the ankle bitters. Ally and Emily are our little ankle bitters they're twins and only three.

Ryan and Reese have a four year old boy his names Payton. They have a little girl Chloe on the way.

Mady and Ian have one little girl she's two. Her name is Lizza.

Here come with me.

I walked out of the bedroom still tired from sleep. I trudged down the stairs and plopped down on the couch next to Shakira. She was watching the kids.

"Just wait they'll be driving before we know it." She said.

I nodded. To be honest I didn't wanna think about that it made me feel kind of sad.

"Ugh I can wait to get her out of me." Reese groaned as she sat down.

Payton looked over at Reese.

"Who's in you momma?" He asked.

"Your little sister Chloe hunny." She explained.

He gasped. "Momma you dint eat hwer did you?" He asked in complete shock.

We all busted out laughing and he looked like he was going to cry so we stopped.

"No hunny no it's just where babies come from." She said.

He looked completely confused but then he just shrugged his shoulders and web back to playing with Ally and Emily.

"My goodness we have four and we think we need to add another." Reese laughed.

"Hey guys we have something to share with you." Nash said.

We looked up an saw Nash and Elizabeth coming down the stairs.

Remember how I said Nash had changed well he got his craziness under control and he still is to this day obsessed with corndogs the one thing we'll never want to change. Nash was also a better dresser.

Suddenly Toby came over and jumped up on my lap and decided I was his dog bed.

Toby is Elizabeth and Nashes wiener dog. He has a little corn dog suit which is hilarious.

"What is it?" Mady asked walking in from the kitchen.

"I'm pregnant!" Elizabeth shouted excitedly.

"Congratulations." Shakira and Reese said.

"Another kid we're a fucking baby farm!" I exclaimed.

Everybody laughed.

"Jamie hun language." Shakira said to me.

I sighed. We couldn't openly cuss whenever we want to anymore with the kids around. It's really hard for me cause I'm like a fountain spewing out cuss words left and right.

"Guys breakfast is ready!" Ian called.

We all made our way into the kitchen we looked like a heard a hobos that were starving.

I got Ally and Emily's food before I got mine.

We make sure the kids eat first because we're complete hogs.

After everybody sat down at the table we started shoveling the food in.

"Ian this is amazing." Mady said.

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