Chapter 50

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I'm suprised Nash is still living after last night. When Ian saw the kitchen he shit his pants. He went crazy and yelled at him for an hour then he sent him to his room. Actually where is that corndog lover?

I hopped out of bed and knocked on Nashes door. No response. I opened it slowly. He wasn't in there. The was writing on the wall though. I walked over to it and read it.

Dear Guys,

     I am very sorry I played chop saw buzzy in the kitchen. I didn't me to chop everything just a few iteams like the blender, toaster, and microwave everything else was an accident. I decided I am no longer wanted so I am leaving. Ian doesn't like me and I'm sick of Jamie calling me fat. Also I am not living in a house anymore I took the t.v. box to live in and I also took the last box of corndogs so yea.

     I hope you love me,


"Jamie!" I called. He slowly drug himself in here and I made him read the note.

"Cool." He said blankly as he scratched his back.

"No not cool he's gone." I said.

"He's on the roof." Jamie said.

I looked at him weird.

"He got the ladder out he's on the roof. That's where he always goes." He explained and then walked out.


Today is beautiful I love it. The tree's look like broccoli and the clouds look like mashed potatoes...i think. I'm up on the roof because I am unappericated for playing a very fun and educational game.

I sat my corndogs down and they started sliding off the roof. I tried to stop them and well I failed they fell off. The other bad part is I also let go of the t.v. box which slide down as well only thing it hit the ladder and the ladder fell and hit Ryan's car.

I'm never gonna get down now.

Then I saw the chimney in the corner of my eye.

"If Santa can do can I'm like 150 pounds lighter than that fat ball." I said as I casually walked over to the chimney losing my balance a few times and almost falling.

I stood above the hole in it. I think I can fit.

I  started to put my legs in it they fit. Once I got up to my chest it became tight. Actually it was so tight I could stop holding on and just float there.

I started to scooch down it slowly well till I realized it got tighter. I tried to go down but I wouldn't budge. I tried to go up I still wouldn't budge.

I must be as fat as that fat ball Santa. I better eat more corndogs to lose wait.

I sat there stuck for ten minutes then I slowly started to fall asleep.


Ian and I were going to pick up Reese and Mady in my brand new car. Well till we stepped out our front door. The t.v. box was laying over in the grass next to the corndog box and the ladder was knocked over which some of it was on my new car. I ran over to it the paint on the roof where the ladder had hit it was chipped off.

"Where' is he?" I asked furiously.

"Ryan calm down let's go pick up our girlfriends and go on our double date then you can kill him." Ian said as he pulled his keys out of his pocket and and drug me towards his car.

Someone is gonna pay and that someone is a corndog.


After Ian and Ryan left for their double date I noticed something strange. The ladder was on Ryan's car. N ash must of knocked it down I went outside and walked around the house searching for Nash but he wasn't there.

I decided to call him.

I walked back in the house as I hit call. I heard his ringtone echoing somewhere it was weird.

It sounded so close but I couldn't find it. It sounded like it was in the wall. Then suddenly I realized where he was. Only one person would do this. I looked up the fireplace and sure enough about seven feet away Nashes feet were dangling.

"Gonna answer that Santa?" I asked. The reply I got was a snore.

Of cousre he fell asleep in a chimmney he's the only one that would.


Jamie's room on side

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