im just a jealous girl

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India walked into the house staying behind John while he led her into the living room where they were all sitting

" My angel has arrived" Paul said cheerily but all India could see was Paul holding this woman's hand and she was jealous

" hi" she said coldly making Paul give John a concerned look

" daddy im going to get changed"

" don't you want to meet Linda and Heather first"

" no"

John looked embarrassed that his normally well mannered child was being so rude

India ran upstairs and changed out of her school uniform and into a dress and she lay on her bed and fell asleep

After a hour John went up to her room to see why she was away for so long and his heart melted when he saw his little girl fast asleep so he decided to let her sleep on and get some rest.

A few hours later she woke up and quietly made her way downstairs and she stood in the doorway that led to the living room and she saw Paul and John on the floor playing with Heather and she was laughing and having fun while Cynthia and Linda sat on the sofa and were chatting and laughing at the boys while Hollie was asleep on a chair.

Seeing Paul and john playing with another kid made India insanely jealous and she hated it

" will you stop playing with my daddy and my uncle Paulie they are mine not yours" she shouted making everyone turn to face her

" India don't be so rude" Cynthia scolded completely mortified

"no they never play with me anymore but they can play with her. The only person who plays with me is uncle George "

" That's not true and you know it" Cynthia added

" it is true all they do is play music and ignore me and i don't like them anymore"

" you are acting like a spoiled brat and if you cannot be nice you can go to your room"

" fine ill leave and let you's play with your new child"

she stormed upstairs and slammed the door she was mad at this kid Heather getting all the attention from her daddy and uncle and she felt like she will be forgotten now that there is a cuter child for them to adore.

she stormed around her room making alot of noise by throwing things on the floor and stamping her feet and acting like a diva she has been in her room and being noisy for over an hour and when she realized no one was going to come and see her she stopped but she felt she needed to get her daddys and her uncles attention away from this new kid which in her child's mind she saw as her replacement.

she stormed back downstairs making alot of noise and made her way into the kitchen where she grabbed some cereal which she poured into a bowl followed by some cold milk she sat on the stool and began to eat when John walked in and sat beside her.

" sweetie your dinner is in the oven you don't need to be eating that" he said trying to break the ice

India carried on eating her cereal ignoring her dad which she knew wound him up

" India i told you your dinner is in the oven it will be ready soon so stop eating your cereal so you have room for your dinner"

India continued to ignore him

" india you are having dinner with us all whether you like it or not and if you don't want to eat your dinner that's fine you  can sit at the table with us and watch us all eat"

Heather ran into the kitchen a huge smile on her face

" im going to eat my dinner all up John" she said so sickeningly sweet which made india roll her eyes

" good girl heather im glad one of you's are behaving"

india shot Heather a look that told her to stay away from her and she quickly left the kitchen taking the hint

" india you need to snap out of this mood your being rude and acting like a diva and its not nice"

Paul entered the kitchen desperately hoping that india will like him again he hated it when she ignored him

"aww my angels came back down again i missed you"

India went to turn to jump of the stool but she fell and hit the floor with a huge thud and she grazed her knees and hands and she was shaken up and she began to cry. John and Paul rushed over to her and kneeled down to try and help her

" get away from me" she screamed so loudly they both backed off and she got of the floor and hobbled her way to her room feeling more embarrassed than hurt

Seeing India hurt and her not allowing him to help tore john in two he just wanted to sweep her up into his arms and cuddle her until she felt better but he knew that she was stubborn and jealous and had a wicked temper just like he did.

like father like daughter

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