Chapter Fifty Eight: Shaking Hands.

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~Katy's P.O.V~

"Josh!" I yelled as I walked up the stairs.
"Yeah?" He mumbled, obviously from me waking him up.
"God it's nearly 12?" I laughed as I sat down on the bed next to him as he wiped his eyes.
"I need my beauty sleep" He joked.
"Ha!" I laughed. He pulled me down into him and hugged me tightly.
"Anyway what's up beautiful?" He smiled, sending butterflies through me; making me forget what I really needed to talk to him about.
"I'm worried about Lauren" I said.
"Was she sick again?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.
"Yeah, she was." I said, my voice saddening. I hated that something was making my daughter sick, all I wanted to see was her being happy.

We sat for a while in silence.
"I'm sure she'll be okay" Josh soothed.
"Yeah, I hope." I replied.
"Have you answered Bradford about going on the show yet?" He asked.
"Not yet, I think we will, I just have to check with Lauren" I smiled. I felt excited to be able to finally share the most important girl in my life to the world. To be able to share our story of our ups and our downs.
"Breakfast?" I asked as Josh finally started getting up out of the warm bed.
"Sounds great" He said as he kissed my cheek lovingly.

~Lauren's P.O.V~

My vision was blurred from the tears. Struggling to find the beginning and the end of the road. My phone vibrated on the seat beside me, as I looked quickly, a loud noise filled my ears. I didn't realize the car had drifted to the other side of the road.
"Fuck!" I yelled as I pulled the car quickly back to my side and into a grassy verge.
Holding the steering wheel I stared into nothing, slowly gaining my breath back. All my emotions and feelings all of a sudden exploded out of me.
"I can't do this" I cried to myself.
For what felt like hours I sat and cried. I cried so much I couldn't breathe. It felt like all I could ever do was cry.
My phone had been going off non stop but I didn't care. I wanted to be asleep, I wanted to be non existent.
With shaking hands I picked my phone up, realizing it was Katy.

"M-mom" I cried.
"Lauren! What the hell has happened!? Where are you?!" Katy yelled, sounding more distressed than mad.
"I-I don't know" I mumbled while looking around, trying to remember where I was going in the first place.
"Hayden's here, he thought you hadn't left. Has something happened?" She yelped worryingly.
"Uh no not really I just-" I said before pausing.
"I need to come home, I'll be there soon" I said quickly before hanging up as more tears fell from my eyes.
I sat thinking to myself for another couple minutes.
'A test' I thought to myself.

I walked through the doors of the small store. I wasn't sure if they sold pregnancy tests but I thought I'd try.
I walked through, going past the candy, chips, cookies up until I came across the medical isle. My eyes scrolled past the items until I saw what I was looking for.
This is going to be embarrassing I thought to myself as I took the box off the shelf. I walked up to the counter, feeling ashamed. There was a girl working, she looked maybe a year or two older than me.
"Hey" She smiled. Her hair was black and long, but her eyes were blue.
"Uh hey, just this thanks" I said awkwardly.
"Sure" She smiled. She looked at me after glancing at the test. Her eyes seemed sad, maybe she felt sorry for me.
"You remind me of myself" She said softly.
"Uh what?" I said, kind of shocked at her even talking to me.
"This" She pointed at the box that the test was in.
"I was 16 and alone. I just want you to know you're not alone, if you ever need someone" She smiled sincerely.
"Oh I see, thanks" I smiled kindly at her, she does look like she's been through a lot.
"Could I use the bathroom here?" I asked, unsure of the response I'd get. I didn't want to do it at mine, where Katy and Hayden were.
"Of course, here's the key" She said as she grabbed the key from under the counter.
"Thanks" I smiled.

The room was small and plain. I quickly ripped open the box, my hands shaking.
I waited about three minutes before looking.
I felt sick to my stomach as I finally picked it up.
My eyes focused on the lines.
It was a plus.
I'm pregnant.

I hope people are still reading!! Its been so long holy heck :0
I'll be back to writing now!
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